
The Cacophony Of Tantrums! Nothing Up Their Sleeves.

With the sounds of angry outbursts of tantrums and frustrated screams over recent weeks, the main opposition party in Ghana, the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has painted a picture of a chaotic and overwhelming political atmosphere in Ghana, ostensibly to create a discordant symphony. It is safe to say that the NDC’s glaring yet compelling frustrations mean they are already throwing their hands up in despair in a concessionary manner. What a way to chicken out!
Contrary to John Mahama’s firm belief that Ghanaians bear short memory, my over three decades mind vividly recollects how former President John Dramani Mahama described Ghana’s Electoral Commission (EC) as one of the best in the world whilst urging Ghanaians to allow the Commission the space and peace of mind to conduct elections. Former President John Dramani Mahama praised Ghana’s Electoral Commission (EC) as one of the world’s best, assuring Ghanaians of its capability to conduct credible elections, given its successful track record in six previous polls. This stance, however, has shifted, raising questions about his consistency.
John Mahama’s past statements highlighted the EC’s reliability, emphasizing that it had proven itself in multiple elections. Therefore, there was no reason to doubt its ability to deliver fair polls. He urged Ghanaians to trust the EC and give it the space to work effectively. I ask of him; what has changed in just a ‘fortnight’? What core principles does John Mahama stand for that warrant our trust and support via our thumbprint? A true leader worth his salt must not similarly change his principles as he changes his clothes. Sir, you cannot be blowing hot and cold! That’s double standards.
Hello, my slave from Gonjaland, your Sissala master, needs to know what sparked your sudden change of heart regarding the Electoral Commission (EC). You dare not point to desperation! Perhaps more disturbing were your needless and misplaced outbursts on the chiefs and religious leaders of Ghana. Your ill-judgement and a seeming lack of emotional intelligence in those verbal attacks were telling!
We should revisit Barack Obama’s insightful advice during his 2009 visit to Ghana on building strong institutions rather than strongmen. Taking inspiration from those words, President Akufo-Addo has prioritized building a robust EC worthy of accolades from both John Mahama and the NDC leadership.

In its proactive nature, the EC itself has introduced a liveliness test into its systems. A liveliness test, also known as a voter validation/verification process, is a method used to ensure the accuracy and integrity of an electoral voter’s register.
Going into elections 2024, the liveliness test will ensure that our voters’ register attains these key objectives:
1. Prevent voter fraud: Liveliness tests help prevent voter fraud by identifying and removing deceased individuals or fictional names from the voter roll.
2. Maintain voter roll accuracy: By verifying voter information, liveliness tests ensure the register is up-to-date and reflects only eligible, living voters.
3. Enhance electoral integrity: Liveliness tests contribute to the overall credibility of the electoral process by ensuring that only legitimate voters participate.
4. Reduce errors: These tests help eliminate errors or duplicates in the voter register.

Convincing facts have surfaced that Democracy Hub protesters are affiliated with the NDC party, disguising themselves as neutral and active citizens. Their alleged true intentions were revealed when ties between key protest leaders and John Mahama’s long-serving aide were widely exposed. Their masks have fallen!
The New Patriotic Party (NPP), a lawful political party, wholeheartedly supports demonstrations that adhere to due process, allowing citizens to express their opinions and demands in a peaceful and disciplined manner.
Demonstrations are a vital aspect of democratic expression, providing a platform for collective gatherings in public spaces to influence authorities, public opinion, and participants. The NPP recognizes the importance of peaceful protests in promoting social, political, and cultural change.

During its three (3) day demonstrations, which kicked off on Saturday, 21st September 2024, reprehensible behaviors put up by the pseudo-NDC group, Democratic Hub, include:
– Destruction of Political Party Paraphernalia: Targeting symbols and materials of opposing parties undermines democratic values.
– Public Property Damage: Vandalism and destruction of public assets harm the community and waste resources.
– Violent Incidents: Bangs on vehicles and attempts to take over police vehicles pose serious safety risks.
– Disregard for Law and Order: Flouting the law and disrespecting authority erode trust in institutions.
Consequently, our courts have sternly sent a clear message by remanding the arrested protesters for two weeks. Such actions will not be tolerated and will face severe consequences. The NPP advocates for responsible, law-abiding demonstrations that promote constructive dialogue and national progress.

Some people, mostly pessimists, believe Ghana is at a crossroads as regards elections in December 2024. As a keen and assertive youth of Ghana’s emerging leaders, I dare state undoubtedly that discerning Ghanaians will choose a BRAND-NEW PRESIDENT in Dr Mahamud Bawumia over a riffraff, scary alternative.
Ghanaians will not overlook the need to sustain Ghana’s gains through a policy entrepreneur like Dr Mahamud Bawumia.
Let’s vote number 1 to break the 8. It’s a clarion call. It’s possible.

By: Razak Adamah Vemmie.

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