

Anchoring Democracy Advocacy Movement Ghana ADAM-GH, a civil society group that Anchors Proper Democratic principles and protect Ghana’s Democracy, has cautioned the police CID boss to be circumspect about creating unnecessary tension in the country as December 2020 General elections approach.

The Executive secretary of the group, Mr. Azubila Salam Emmanuel said, the group is so discontent with the actions of the Ghana police service through the CID office which has become political intimidating machinery and stooges for the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) government.

According to him, professionalism has become thing of the past in the police administration adding that the invitation of the Chairman of People National Conversation (PNC) Mr. Bernard Monah by the police CID office and other resent arrest of some executives of the opposition political parties such as Mr. Koku Anyidoho, Chairman Dr. Ofosu Ampofo, Lawyer Samuel Gyamfi of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) respectively and among others.

This according to him is becoming incoherent, nonsensical, needless, meaningless and technically, it is absolute breach of our fundamental human rights as Ghanaians.

ADAM-GH he said has monitored this gibberish politically motivated behavior of the stooge police CID office which has lost it credibility and has become remote control and political intimidating machinery for the party in government.

“The same police administration was used together with party hooligans to brutalize citizens during Ayawaso West Wuogon by-election with police Armor cars and ammunitions by the ruling government” he noted.

“It was later discovered that the police administration handed over the armor cars to these party hooligans belonging to the ruling NPP party in the brutalization of the very citizens that the police are supposed to protect” he added.

According to him, any professional security expect does not need further intelligence or explanation to believe that the stooge nature of the Ghana Police Service and the Electoral Commission are putting the country security to high risk and on a timing bomb.

The stooge police administration through the CID office he said has regrettably put the country into a public ridicule when they arrested the National Chairman of the opposition NDC Dr. Samuel Ofosu Ampofo with frivolous allegations that he had a meeting with some kidnapers in Ashante Regional capital Kumasi and those kidnapers according to the police were in their custody.

The police CID office put it to Chairman Ofosu Ampofo that, the invisible kidnapers mentioned his name and said he sent them to kidnap the two Canadian women in Kumasi.

He said the stooge police administration through the CID office went ahead to show pictures of some unidentified men wearing black spectacles to Chairman Ampofo and his lawyers for identification without physically bringing the kidnapers. This was beyond any reasonable doubt when the stooge CID w znofficers came out with a fabricated story on all the media platforms that, the opposition national Democratic Congress NDC National Chairman Dr. Samuel Ofosu Ampofo is behind kaidnappings of the two Canadian women in the country.

He said, the police subsequently arrested Chairman Ampofo on the 11th of June 2019 and told the chairman and his lawyers that, Chairman Ampofo had a meeting with the said kidnapers within 20th and 25th of April 2019. God being so good to Chairman Ofosu Ampofo, his traveling records shows that he Chairman Dr. Samuel Ofosu Ampofo was in the United States of America (USA) within that period and therefore there was no truth in the allegations of the police CID.

This undisputable evidence by Chairman Dr. Ofosu Ampofo he said put the stooge police CID and his officers and their political dictators to a complete silence for the past one year now adding that this is very clear that, the police administration allowed themselves to be stooged by political dictators in the party in government to intimidate position parties without any cause.

The police he said should have come out to apologies for damages or for tarnishing the Chairman hard-earned reputation but that wasn’t the case. Lawyer Samuel Gyanfi the communication director of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) also suffered same intimidation by the stooge CID officers on 28th of January 2020 with similar frivolous allegations.

The CID Invitation to the National Chairman of PNC Benard Monah is not exceptional. The police CID office must stop intimidating officers of the opposition political parties and at least protect the their credibility from their political dictators to protect the nation Ghana and not individuals especially as we are approaching elections in December 2020.

It is unfortunate and embarrassment to professional ethics that, state institutions like Ghana police service (CID office) and electoral commission of Ghana turned to be political stooges for the party in government.

This actions of the CID office and the electoral commission are exposing the country to potential chaos because there is no credibility left for these institutions and the general public has lost confidence in them.

ADAM-GH is hereby cautioning the police administration especially the CID office and the electoral commission to be circumspect in their actions through their political dictators and rather protect the interest of the people and the laws of the country Ghana.



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Source: Muhammed Faisal Mustapha

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