
Apostle Francis Amoako Attah Foretells Change In Nigeria New Currency Notes, Turkey Earthquake

The Founder and Leader of Parliament Chapel International (PCI), Apostle Francis Amoako Attah who is known worldwide for his positive revelations and prophesies had on October 2, 2022, gave a prophecy about the currency change in Nigeria and the earthquakes in Turkey.

The SEER, Apostle Francis Amoako Attah on October 2, 2022 sent a voice message to a Bishop in which he states emphatically what God revealed to him about Nigeria and gave a prayer point for them to pray seriously about it so that when it happens, the devastating effects will not be too much on the people of God.

According to him, in that vision, God took him to the Central Bank of Nigeria.

He said; “Something is going on underground that within these two months November and December there is going to be a new note, not all the notes but they are going to change some of the notes, so a new currency is about to emerge in Nigeria. Today is 2nd October by all means you are going to hear the announcement before the end of this month or the first week in November.”

On November 24, 2022 news broke out that Nigeria has launched newly designed currency notes, a move that the West African nation’s central bank says will help curb inflation and money laundering. Experts, however, are sceptical about such results in a country that has battled chronic corruption for decades, with government officials known to loot public funds causing more hardship for the many struggling with poverty.

Launched on Wednesday, the new denominations of 200 ($0.46), 500 ($1.15) and 1,000 naira ($2.30) are the first time Nigeria’s currency has been redesigned in 19 years. The banknotes will be in circulation by mid-December.

The naira is “long overdue for a new look,” Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari said at the launch. The new paper notes designed in Nigeria and featuring enhanced security “will help the central bank to design and implement better monetary policy objectives”.

More than 80 percent of the 3.2 trillion naira ($7.2bn) in circulation in Nigeria are outside the vaults of commercial banks and in private hands, said Godwin Emefiele, the governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria.

According to Apostle, this development is going to cause so much hence the need for prayers.

There is going to be a very short deadline just like the ancient Samaria where many people will have the money but won’t have the food to buy because of the deadline. it is going to cause so many contentions.

He indicated that the change in currency notes in Nigeria is political a strategy to be used in the elections.

Apostle Francis Amoako Attah averred in that message that before the elections in Nigeria many people are going to be confused in Nigeria that many people will have money but that would be expired money which would not be accepted as a mode of exchange for goods and services.

This according to him will force Nigerians to fall on the politicians who hitherto, would be keeping huge chunks of the new notes to give to people for votes.

“There is going to be financial weaponization of the elections. we have the money come for it and vote for us. This is going to happen,” he said.

He said the tension that will generate out of that could be dire and called for serious prayers.

In the same message, The SEER also revealed his prophecy which he gave at the beginning of the year 2022 the earthquake is still on, and prayers on that must continue so that it won’t happen anywhere in Africa.

Click the link below for the message

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