Christians advised to learn from Islam

Christians have been advised to learn from the lives and worship of the Islamic religion.
Founder and General Overseer of Parliament Chapel International (PCI), Apostle Francis Amoako Attah speaking on Angel Fm’s ‘Anopa Bofo’ program, discussing Ramadan and Islamic religion, indicating that Islamic religion has been founded on principles and laws so is Ramadan.
According to him, everything is created according to the law, and that “when Muslims are breaking their fast, they must break it without doing anything that is contrary to the law,” he said.
“There is a law governing the celebration. Quran 13: 7.”
He averred that Allah will not change anything until they (Muslims/people) change it themselves, and that he indicated is the law, which governs their activities even after fasting.
He said: “Allah will not force you unless you force yourself. After 30 days, Allah will not give anything, you have it and hence go and give to another.”
Apostle Francis Amoako Attah narrowed his teachings on the Five Objective Laws of Islam.
- Law of the Protection of Life: Quran 4:29 (Exodus 20:13); this is the law against murder, an associate threat that can cause harm to anyone. Let’s speak the good side of Islam and preach it.
- Law of the Protection of Human Intellect: They believe in the capacity of the mind. That is why they have laws against alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, and all intoxicants. Islam believes in the dignity of the kind. Ephesians 5: 8.
Muslims he said, are great thinkers.
- Law of the Protection of Human Honour: this is the law against slander, fornication, character assassination, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism and all other vices that defy human honour.
Apostle Francis Amoako Attah mentioned that with this Law, Islam believes in human dignity to the point that in the Islamic countries many films are edited well before they are released into the public and Muslims are not gossip like other religion.
- Law of the Protection of Wealth: this, he said is the Law against stealing, corruption, covetousness, envy.
He charged Christians to emulate these laws of Islam and live a life pleasing to God.
“Let’s change now.”