
Followers Of Qasim Sulaimani In Ghana Commemorate His Matyrdom

The Ahlulbayt community in the Northern Region of Ghana has commemorated the martyrdom of General Qasim Sulaimani, the commander of Islamic Revolutional Guard Corpse in Iran, whom they described as “A servant of humanity,” for sacrificing his all for humanity.

According to them, the late General Qasim Sulaimani left a lasting legacy of being one of the great martyrs that ever lived in Iran.

Addressing a media conference in Tamale, Communication Director of Ahlulbayt community in Northern Ghana and conveyor of Qasim Sulaimani center of Humanitarian services in Northern Ghana, Isaah Naasir noted that born on March 11, 1957 in Kerman province in Iran, and whom, along with Abu Mahdi Al Mohandis, were gruesomely assassinated while on an Anti-terrorism Mission in Iraq on the 3rd of January 2020 through a drone strike by The United States.

“Today we are here to remember the servants of humanity: embodied by Shaheed General Qasim sulaimani And Abu Mahdi Al Mohandis. In his commitment to the protection of human life and dignity, general Soleimani have placed himself in the line of fire for over 40 years,” he said.

According to Isaah Naasir, Shaheed General Qasim sulaimani’s “body was scard, he was often away from his family, in the hospital or at the fronts: in defense of humanity. And he was martyred whiles on duty to serve humanity; to save the people of Iraq from the hands of extremists.”

He averred that throughout history, there have always risen a person whose service to humanity transcends national boundaries; Such as Nelson Mandela, Che Guevara, Yasir Arafat, Malcolm X, And the Mother Teresa.

“..If you were to ask the Christians, Jews, Yazdis, Sufis, Sunnis, Alawis and other religious minorities in Iraq and Syria, they would tell you that their own Nelson Mandela is General Qasim Soleimani, and their own Arafat is Abu Mahdi Al Mohandis. These two heroes of humanity stood up against the ISIS and other terror groups in defense of Christians, Jews and other minorities in Syria and Iraq.”

He stressed the fact that General Soleimani was Assassinated while in a journey to honor an official invitation from the Iraqi government to help them fight Against terrorism is enough prove of his credentials as an effective anti-terror figure.

This, he enumerated, also discredits the attempts by some agencies to label him as anything other than an anti-terror fighter.

Listing some of the achievements of these noble personalities, Isaah Naasir noted that:

1. In 2016 US Army Commander: Lt Gen. Stephen J. Townsend described the PMF militias lead by Abu Mahdi as “remarkably disciplined” allies since he arrived. He added that the PMF could make Iraq more secure.

2. The Washington Post reported that Iran has sent more than 1,000 military advisers to Iraq, and spent more than $1 billion on military aid to help fight ISIS

3. On 21–22 August 2014 according to Kurdish sources, hundreds of Iranian soldiers, allegedly from Iran’s 81st Armored Division, helped the Kurdish Peshmerga army to take back Jalawla in Diyala Governorate from ISIL

4. Jim Phillips of the The Heritage Foundation of America described general Suleimani’s role in this war to liberate tikrit from Isis as: “he’s Iran’s viceroy for Iraq”.

5. In late May 2015, the American news website “Vox” characterised general Qasem Soleimani as “leading Iraq’s overall military strategy against ISIL”

6.Hadi al-Amiri, leader of the Badr Organization, said that “If it were not for the cooperation of the Islamic republic of Iran and General Suleimani, we would not today have a government headed by Haider al-Abadi in Baghdad”. Again, uring the Second Battle of Tikrit, Hadi al-Amiri said the US has failed to live up to its promises to help Iraq fight ISIL, unlike the “unconditional” assistance being given by Iran.

“These are just a few statements coming from both Iraqis and Americans who affirm the great role of this general in the fight for humanity against ISIS. It is worth noting that, the greatest act of terrorism is the act of killing an official guest of a sovereign nation without the permission of that country nor sanction from the United Nations.”

Isaah Naasir maintained that these noble men would live forever in the minds and hearts of human serving people of the world.

“Qasim sulaimani whole­heartedly worked for the welfare of humanity, by defending the powerless, the oppressed and the marginalized. The benevolent leader was there for both motherless and fatherless children in Iran and beyond. Hajj Qasim Sulaimani the teacher taught many including myself and many across the globe how to inherit the love for service to mankind. He injected into many how to wear smiling faces whilst going through pain and hardship.”

Isaah Naasir said, Sulaimani is remembered with intense feelings and will continue to serve as a shining example for even generations unborn.

On behalf of the Ahlulbayt community in the Northern Region, Isaah Naasir promised to never allow his legacy to die as they will continue to raise his banner to the highest height because General Qasim Sulaimani was not an individual but a nation embodied with undying ideology, purpose and beliefs that has come to stay forever.

He said: “I, on behalf of everyone, would like to motivate you all to safeguard, develop and preserve the Sulaimani ideology and spirit. That is a true way to make the world a safe haven for all, especially for the marginalized and oppressed.”

“To cup it all, we say: there is no east or west. Muslim or non-Muslim, when a single live is threatened all of us are threatened, and when a single life is saved, all of us are saved” To this, we say thank you too General Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Al Mohandis.”

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