Ga East MCE Foments Trouble In Dome Market

The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) of Ga East Municipal Assembly (GEMA), Madam Janet Tulasi Mensah has been fingered in the heated controversies surrounding the tension within the Dome Market over the Market queen position.
The MCE, who has allegedly been using her political position to intimidate and cause confusion within the rank and file of the Dome Market Women’s Association leadership, has advanced plots to get another woman install as Dome Market Queen irrespective of the fact that there is an existing, duly installed and legally recognized Market Queen.
This paper’s investigations have revealed that, the peace being enjoyed by traders in the Dome Market over the years, begun to erode when Madam Janet Tulasi Mensah was appointed as MCE and took office in 2017.

The MCE in achieving her somehow hidden agenda, which lots of market women believe could be a personal vendetta against their Market Queen, assembled known members of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) to form a Committee to oversee the administration of the activities of the market with the sole aim of taking over the leadership and administration of the market and handed it over to Felicia Karley Amui.
It has emerged that, during the re-development of the Dome Market, Janet Tulasi Mensah had promised majority of the women of allocating shops to them free.
This, the women kept over time, waiting patiently to see the realization of that promise, when suddenly they were asked to pay some amount of money for the shops, which was even arranged could be paid in installment basis.
Some women who are loyal to the MCE and are determined to get the shops for free by virtue of the promises they had from the MCE, refused to come forward and get involved in the processes for getting the shops.
Interestingly, the MCE, Janet Tulasi Mensah realizing her promise to the women fell on her face and that she could be held to ransom by the very women she promised, decided to lay the blame on the doorsteps of the Market Queen, Madam Evelyn Abena Sebie hence, her determination to cause the fall of the Queen.
In 2017, the MCE according to our information locked-up two shops that are allocated to the Market Association.
The Association filed a writ at the Court challenging the decision of the MCE, which was upheld and the decision revoked.
In Suit No. GJ/1177/17, Dome Market Association (Plaintiff) vrs. Ga East Municipal Assembly (Defendant), the Plaintiff sued the Defendant seeking a declaration that the purported revocation of termination of tenancy covering the stores Nos. 9 and 10 in Block A at Dome New Market is illegal and of no effect.
The Plaintiff also indicated that the Defendant’s attempt to stop the Association from collecting fees from its members and its affiliates is blatant interference with the internal administration of the Association and is therefore illegal, void and of no legal effect.
The case however was heard and, in his Ruling, Justice Emmanuel Kwasi Mensah of the High Court ruled that, the Plaintiff Association has been able to persuade him to belief that their case is more probable than that of the defendant.
“The Defendant counterclaim is therefore dismissed as they have not been able to prove same. Judgment is therefore entered for the Plaintiff on reliefs 1,2, and 3. Consequently the Court orders that the purported revocation of allocation of two shops numbers 9 and 10 to the plaintiff by the defendant is illegal and of no effect. Further it is directed that the defendant attempt to stop the plaintiffs from collecting fees from its members is an interference with the internal administration of the plaintiff and it is therefore illegal.”
The Court also ruled that the inauguration of oversight committees at the Dome New Market is an attempt by the defendant Assembly to interfere with the work of the plaintiff Association and in view of that the Judge cautioned that if for any reason the plaintiff Association wishes to collect revenue of any sort for and on behalf of the defendant Assembly, it should seek and do so with the express authorization and consent of the Assembly.
Meanwhile, the Rulings from the Court and other cases which went in favor of the Association seemed to have been swept down the carpet as plots have been hatched to overthrow Madam Evelyn Abena Sebie.
Interestingly, the said Felicia Karley Amui have been installed on four different occasions as the Market Queen even though there is an existing Market Queen, but in all these installations market women have refused to accord her that recognition as they described them as “illegal” installatins.
This paper has information that Felicia Karley Amui and her cohorts led by the MCE, Janet Tulasi Mensah have also written to the Onamroko Adain Family, Traditional Owners of the property on which the Dome Market is sited, for their assistance in the selection and appointment of Dome Market Queen.
However, the Onamroko Adain Family which is very aware of the existing Market Queen and the Market Association, wrote to the Association seeking clarification of whether there is a current Market Queen and who it is and what regulation there is regarding the installation of a Market Queen.
After furnishing the Onamroko Adain Family with all the details of whatever they were seeking for, the family in avoiding backlash withdraw from the purported installation of Felicia Karley Amui as requested by the MCE.
That notwithstanding, Felicia Karley Amui wrote a letter on September 7, 2020 to some traders in the market asking them to accord her the recognition as their Market Queen because she has been installed.
This paper has established that the current Market Queen, Madam Evelyn Abena Sebie was installed as far back as 2013 and has been given all the needed recognition by the Association, serving as their lead in pursuing their cases in Court.
Meanwhile, snippets of information received from the Ga East Municipal Assembly indicate that, preparations are far advanced to install Felicia Karley Amui as market queen and that invitations have been extended to all Unit Committee Members seeking their support in achieving that.
This paper’s underground checks have also revealed that traders as well as members of the Dome Market Women Association are embittered at the way and manner the MCE has destabilized activities in the market.
According to some who spoke to this paper, it would be in the best interest of the NPP government if Janet Tulasi Mensah is cautioned to mind her Assembly position and desist from interfering in the leadership of the market.
They hinted their resolve to vote against the NPP should Janet Tulasi Mensah is allowed to go ahead with her “devilish” and “parochial” agenda against their Market Queen and against the entire Market Association.
–Prosper Agbenyega