
Ghanaian Pilgrims Assured Of Safe Handling Of Luggage

The Communications Director of the Ghana Hajj Board, Dr. Alhaji Ahmed Abubakar Sadiq has assured pilgrims of safe arrival of their luggage back home to Ghana without leaving behind any belongings of a single pilgrim.

According to him, the Hajj Board has made adequate arrangements to improve on its handling of luggage to ensure that it is more successful than the previous year.

He said the Board will not take any excess luggage due to difficulties that they encountered with pilgrims, where the Aviation Authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia rejected some luggage due to their weights.

He revealed that every pilgrim will pay an amount of 40 Riyals or 50 Ghana Cedis equivalent.

He added that the Board has provided three traveling bags which include two 23 kilograms each with 10 kilograms of hand luggage. He warned that the Board will not accept any excess luggage from the pilgrims.

He advised pilgrims to abide by the directives of the Aviation Authorities in Saudi to avoid rejection of luggage at the Jeddah airport.

He called on all pilgrims to ensure that they meet the required weight given by the authorities adding that the Board has provided weighing scales at every hotel for pilgrims to weigh their luggage before taking them to the airport.

According to him pilgrims have been given four days in advance to weigh their luggage before the time of departure from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Ghana.

Source: Muhammed Faisal Mustapha

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