
Iranian consulate in Ghana commemorates 44th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution

The cultural consulate of the islamic Republic of Iran in Ghana commemorated the 44th anniversary of the victory of the islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979 which was lead by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Amongst others, the stated goals of the revolution were to rid Iran of foreign influence, to attain complete cultural and economic independence and to stand up against hegemony and oppression in all its forms anywhere in the world.

At this year’s event which was hosted at the Islamic University College in Accra, and graced by a lot of dignitaries including the Ambassador of The Islamic of Iran to Ghana: H. E. Mr Bijane Gherami, the cultural Consul Mr Mahmoud Khorshidi, the Tijaniya Imam of La Dade Kotopon of the Ga Adangbe Community in Accra and many more.

The program was chaired by Sheikh Abass Koanda and began with a welcome address by the Amb. H. E. Mr Gherami.
In his speech he called for greater cooperation between Ghana and the islamic Republic as well as religious and cultural tolerance. He mentioned some of the developmental contributions of the islamic republic in Ghana as well as it’s intentions to expand upon that: “amongst the many projects initiated by the Islamic republic in Ghana are the Iran clinic, which offers top teer medical services to the ghanaian people at affordable costs. The islamic university College, and the Al Mustafa international university for serminary studies.”he further stated that preparations are underway to start the training of medical professionals at the Islamic University through a agreement with the Shareef University of Iran.

The program was attended by university students, high school students, members of the communities, religious communities and many more.

Amongst the speakers was Mr. Mustafa Kuyatey, a lecturer at the Islamic university at the department of religious studies. On his part, he praised the islamic Republic for their concentration and promotion of education. He juxtaposed between the literacy rate of Iran before and after the revolution and concluded that, the Islamic republic was by far a better servant of the people. “When we look at education, it is obvious that the islamic Revolution brought more visibility to women and other sections of the society. The literacy rate of women in Iran have grown by more than 1000%. women are in places of power and are free to pursue any career of their choice without restrictions. This alone is reason enough for celebration”

Amongst the speakers was Mr. Aness Sandow (PhD barr thesis) who is an expect in international relations and geopolitics.

He stated that Iran had struggled to remain independent despite continues sabotage by world power through strategies such as:

“1) the imposition of an eight year devastating war on Iran by world powers through the use Sadam as a foreign arm, The imploring of international bullying by imposing crippling economic sanctions, the adoption of the strategety of Card-stacking, Name- Calling, Testimonials and Bandwagon using the tag of terrorism despite the fact that Iran has neither ideological nor educational connection with ISIS, al-Qaeda etc and the strive to weaken Iran’s technological and scientific base by resorting to the tactics of sabotage, kidnapping and Assassination of Iranian scientists such as Masoud Alimohammadi, Majid Shahriari, Darioush Rezaeinejad and Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan”

Amongst those who also paid homage to the Islamic Revolution were Hajia Murjana, (Secretary of Zahra lady) Mr Muhammad Amin: Head master of Lady Fatima SHS and Hajj Mannan, the president of COMOG who spoke about his experience in the Islamic republic of Iran during his visit ten years ago. He spoke about how everyone one was focused on education throughout the country. He then concluded that, it was not surprisiy to see Iran succeed in its technological drive since their focus was more on education than anything else.

The event climaxed with a poetry recitation by Miss Saamatu Musah and ended with a prayer.

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