NDA Signs Trade Agreement With China

The Northern Development Authority’s (NDA) Northern Ghana has signed a Business, Culture and Educational Twin-Relationship with the prosperous and rich Shaanxi Province of China at a very elaborate ceremony in China.
This will bring Shaanxi Investors to Northern Ghana and promote Trade between the two areas of Ghana and China.
At the Signing ceremony and in meetings afterwards the CEO of the Northern Development Authority (NDA), Dr Majeed Haroun stressed the need for Shaanxi to come and team with Northern core Soya farmers and other Outgrowers so that Northern Ghana can be a focal area for quality Soya export to China and the rest of the globe.
Two exchanges are planned: Northern Ghana Businesses and Press to Shaanxi and in a similar vein Shaanxi Businesses and Press to Northern Ghana for joint exploration of each others Business environment in immediate and future business opportunities.
Underground investigation on the activities of the NDA since the CEO took over, has revealed that the Authority is excellently working towards achieving its stated objectives.
The Northern Development Authority(NDA) was set up by an Act of Parliament, Act 963, 2017 to provide a framework for the accelerated economic and social development of the Northern Development Zone (NDZ) and for related matter.
It has been gathered that the NDA is working to accelerate the economic and social development in the Northern Development Zone through strategic direction in the planning and prioritization of development projects, mobilizing public resources including financial resources and private and public investments for the accelerated economic and social development of the Northern Development Zone.
The coordinating development activities in the Northern Development Zone is seriously ongoing as the management of the NDA is formulating and implementing initiatives towards achieving gender equality and empowerment of vulnerable groups in the Northern Development Zone.
Although these feats are being achieved on the quiet, the CEO said very soon all the achievements and progress will be made visible for the people of Ghana to appreciate their work.
Source: Prosper Agbenyega