President Mahama Is Right, He Needs A ‘Honeymoon’ – John Tetteh Hogrey Opines

I am not a fan of memory verses. I read my Bible in chapters and with commentaries. I am not a fan because we often memorize them without understanding the context within which the verses appear. And, thus, we usually make proclamations with them out of context.
Honeymoon is not a political coinage. It is Marital. When couples marry, they take time off to Relax, to create shared memorable experiences, and to adjust to Marital life. In many of these instances, that is the period a child (like the 24 hr economy) is sowed to be birthed by the couples.
So, if ‘honeymoon’ is not a political language, then we ought to understand that he used the word in a context. In any case, he is already married, so cannot go on the honeymoon you are referring to.
The former president was addressing demands for improved conditions of service for trade and labour groups at a “campus connect event” in Hohoe.
Issues of salary improvement and allowances can frankly be addressed ONLY when the fundamentals are strengthened. The complain about his comment is empty.
He says he needs a ‘honeymoon’, justifyably so because the economy is in its ‘worst state in generations’ (Reuters report).
We continue to engage in debt exchange programs. We are doing so because the country is broke and cannot pay its creditors. We are engaging foreign private bond holders to restructure repayment of about $13bn bond value.
According to the finance ministry, we have reached an agreement with official creditors to restructure $5.4bn of loans as relief.
The repayment of these loans go beyond 2025, when Akufo-Addo is no longer president.
Coupon payment for local bond holders who agreed to exchange the debts will also receive coupon payments beyond 2025.
We are borrowing about 12bn this January to pay salaries. Repayment for this loan will also be made after 2024.
Many other debt repayments beyond 2024 exist.
This is the hole the president is digging for President Mahama to fill. Any government who takes over from these economically wicked managers, and goes on a spending spree in allowances and salary improvement will be digging a bigger hole for us all to fall in.
The country is, thus, broke. President Mahama will require to normalize the economy first.
Holding on to increasing salaries, and holding on to introducing allowances, and so on can be nonliterally referred to as a ‘honeymoon’.
Nothing absolutely wrong with that.
We are talking about a former president who has demonstrated immense commitment to national development.
He is a nation builder who’s development drive is not partisanly influenced (see president Akufo-Addo response to Ekumfi reps.).
Honeymoon=taking time off to quickly normalize a decayed economy before placing focus on one’s own development agenda.
#24hr economy.