Watch: What Apostle Francis Amoako Attah Revealed About US Election

Interesting videos and audio recordings have emerged of some fulfilled Prophesies given by the Founder and Leader of Parliament Chapel International, (PCI), Apostle Francis Amoako Attah.
These recordings have categorically revealed ahead of time what was to happen in Nigeria, the US Election and in Ivory Coast.
In separate recordings, the Man of God prophesied the demonstration against SARS in Nigeria before it happens.
In that audio which he sent to his Nigerian Bishop on September 30, 2020, days before the demonstrations broke out, was not far from what the country experienced.
Apostle Francis Amoako Attah in that audio told the Bishop to rally all the Bishops, Teachers, Prophets and Men of God in the country to pray for the nation to avert the imminent disaster.
He said, he saw a wind blowing which eventually turned into a storm over Nigeria.
The storm, he noted, was so severe that it began to destroy things from Lagos and spread through other areas and even to the prisons.
“It became terrible at the end,” he bemoaned.
He averred that God told him that Nigeria will experience a very serious situation from now till 2021 and urged the church to rise up and determine what goes on in Nigeria.
Soon after the incident in Nigeria, lots of Nigerians questioned whether it was a smug, complacency or negligence on the part of their Nigerian Bishops to have ignored this prophesy.
The USA Election
The United States of America (USA) Election which ended with a heavy defeat of the incumbent President Donald Trump although he took an initial lead in the race, was also a one of the fulfilled Prophesies as delivered by Apostle Francis Amoako Attah.
It all started with a dream where Apostle Francis Amoako Attah had a revelation which he revealed on 16th August, 2020 on a local radio station, Okay Fm.
In a self-Interpretation Dream Apostle Francis Amoako Attah had about Donald Trump which he had on July 12, 2020 which was streamed live during the Sunday Live Streaming Service on The Lord’s Parliament Facebook Live and On PCI Tv/Radio, he said he was Trump on a large park ready for a baton and as soon as the whistle was blown, Trump was seen Large park running in the lead on a tough speed, “He was running like a 16-year-old boy.”
According to Apostle Francis Amoako Attah, Trump suddenly fell flat on the floor with his two legs up, face on the ground with bruises all over his face.
“People were surprised, the fall was too dangerous,” he said.
The Man of God later revealed that he saw two women dressed in police uniform coming to carry Trump off the field.
This many people saw as the fall of Trump during the election, which according to them has been given meaning after the elections.
Meanwhile, on Okay Fm on August 16, 2020 Apostle Francis Amoako Atta revealed that the time for Africa to rise begun in 2008 when God chose Barack Obama.
“But Obama disappointed God and allowed the whites to be controlled by the Whites. He failed to help Africa and Africa became worse during his time,” he said.
According to him, Jesus died for Africa and He can never come back to a wretched Africa.
He said, later during the reign of Obama, ISIS emerged to kill and to spill blood.
This situation, he indicated was one of the major reasons why God chose Donald Trump to come and silence ISIS.
“God brought in Trump in 2016 to destroy and silence ISIS.”
According to him, the victory of Joe Biden was tied to his selection of Senator Kamala Harris, who is a woman and an African.
Apostle Francis Amoako Attah enumerated that the killing of George Floyed was the catalyst for Africa to revolt and revive and that Kamala Harris has a responsibility as an African to ensure that God’s purpose is fulfilled.
He said, should Kamala Harris stand for President majority would not vote for her, but God has a plan to use her to redeem Africa hence, God used Joe Biden as a ladder on which Kamala Harris can rise.
He said Joe Biden cannot contest the second time in America and that is where Kamala Harris would have the opportunity to make God’s prophesy manifest as she would step in and become the president for Africa.