Local News

6 Thugs Arrested For Home Invasion: 3 On The Run

Six thugs who claim they were working under the instructions of a notorious land-guard called Sariki were busted few days ago as they forcefully broke into a house in Roman Ridge and began to throw out belongings of the occupant of the house with the intention to re-possess it for their boss(Sariki).

According to the narration of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Lucsmani Co. Ltd who happens to be the owner of the house under siege, he reported that on the 18th June 2019, at about 4pm, he was called over from his house at Roman Ridge by the Security guard that some men had broken into his house and were packing out his belongings.

Sariki – ‘Senior Land-guard’

The CEO of Lucsmani stated that when his security guard got hold of him on phone, he (security) told  him that the thugs came to meet him at the gate and they said that they had been sent by Sariki to do something in my house.

He said, when the security challenged them, they connected him(security) on the phone with their boss(Sariki) and while he was engaged in conversation with their boss, the men went past him into the house and broke the front door and started ransacking and parking stuffs out of the house.

The Lucsmani boss indicated the security then called him and he also in turn put in a call to a soldier friend of his and told him what is happening in his house and that he needed assistance. He said, when he got to the house himself he saw the thugs carrying his belongings out and when he inquired of them who had sent them they mentioned Sariki.

“When I attempted to stop them they turned to attack me and hit me severally leaving me injured in my right hand and shoulder just before the soldiers came in and managed to arrest six of the nine guys who invaded my property and were handed over to the Kotobaabi Police Station”, he explained.

After their arrest “I discovered to my horror they had taken away three Rolex watches, and six other watches (leather and chain straps), an amount of one million seven hundred cedis and seven hundred and eighty thousand united states dollars  and two hundred and fifty thousand pounds which was meant to complete my hostel apartment which is under construction at Okpoe Gonnor have been taken away including jewelry,” he stated.

He noted that “but for the timely arrival of the military personnel I would have been killed since it was quite obvious that they have been sent to finish me, the house is my house and I am the true owner of the house.”

The police found in the procession of the thugs substances believed to be Indian hemp and the case has been transferred to the Police Headquarters.

Stay Tuned

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