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Former TNMA MCE support NPP Western Region Campaign

The former Municipal Chief Executive ( MCE) of Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipal Assembly who was adjudged the 2019 fifth Best MCE nationwide and first in the Western and Western North Regions, Honourable Gilbert Ken Asmah on Saturday, November 21st presented hundreds of T-Shirts branded in New Patriotic Party colours and that of Nana Akufo-Addo’s position on the ballot and his picture nicely embossed to the Western Regional Chairman Mr. Francis Ndede Siah and his Executives at Takoradi to Support the Party in its effort in winning the 2020 Elections massively come Deceimber 7 in the Western Region.

Making the presentation to the Party on his behalf , Mr Emmanuel Ayirebi said it is the wish and prayer of Honourable Asmah that the Party wins with huge results than the 2016 and so there was the need for all Patriots to support the Party with logistics, funds, energy and prayers to achieve this goal.

Honourable Asmah advised against maligning, acrimony, fabrication, vindictiveness and name calling by some members of the Party since these characteristics destroy the Party’s base but rather close their ranks and unify for a massive win come Deceimber 7 which he is highly optimistic.

The Regional Chairman Mr Francis Ndede Siah, who received the items in the presence of the Western Regional Women Organizer, Madam Abena Kwallah and other members thanked Honourable Gilbert Ken Asmah for the kind gesture and wished him Success in his new assignment at the national level.

All the members who were present at the ceremony showed appreciation for the kind gesture of Honourable Gilbert Ken Asmah which they describe as timely intervention that will assist the Party to win massively in the Western Region and also capture new seats that are currently being held by the National Democratic Congress, (NDC)

Honourable Gilbert Ken Asmah again assured the Regional Executives that his doors are open to them for any further assistance they may need and he will be ready to make himself available since the New Patriotic Party ( NPP) has no alternative in Ghana’s Political space when it comes to Good governance and developent.

Honourable Gilbert Ken Asmah finally assured a resounding massive win for the NPP come Deceimber 7th, 2020 at the polls.

Honourable Asmah was the then Municipal Chief Executive of Tarkwa- Nsuaem Constitutuency who whose appointment when revoked in May, 2020 created a lot of anger from the Youth groups, Chiefs, Queemothers, 80% of NPP Polling station Executives, electoral area coordinators and supporters as well as the general public for his good work and excellent human relationship with all manner of people irrespective of your Political, Economic, Social, Ethnic, Religious etc background and was the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Constitutuency Chairman who doubled as the Campaign Coordinator in the 2016 elections whose efforts won the Party the highest votes for then Parliamentary candidate, Mr. George Mireku Duker and the Presidential Candidate Nana Akufo-Addo and in the Western Region and third highest votes nationwide for the New Patriotic Party.

By Dominic Kojo Blay

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