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The Naysayer Defeated; Humiliation To Follow Shortly

A certain small boy, who made a babyish declaration over a year ago that he will remove the Vice-Chancellor (VC) of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW), Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni, from office by March, 2019, has added this failed promise to his CV.

Over a year down the line, this miserable lout, has classically failed to accomplish this easy and simple self-imposed task, that even a housefly can undertake in a matter of seconds.

When Theophilus Ackorlie, the then Finance Officer (FO) of UEW threatened to deal with the son of the upright peasant farmer following the publication of “The Saga of UEW Part I” in May 2017, ironically, he was rather dealt with in a manner that he will NEVER forget (uprooted easily from the office of FO of UEW, despite all the available black magic, voodoo, shrines, etc at his disposal)!

The above clearly distinguishes the men (the son), from babies like the shameless clown, who is only deceiving his miniature self and some silly people to continue to have false hope of reinstatement at UEW.

This crook who is clothed and soaked with pure lies of the highest order, is very feeble, helpless and hopeless, and therefore, stand no chance whatsoever of removing Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni from the office of VC of UEW, Insha Allah!

I personally feel sorry for this low-life educated illiterate, whose vain hopes in voodoo, black magic, shrines, deities, and other charms, amulets and talismans, stolen through compromised associates of priests, has woefully failed him!
I assure this vampire, whose stock-in-trade is an endless demand for huge sums of money from some ‘thieves’ that a longer jail term await him.
Since this common criminal wishes me a jail term, he shall have the exact recompense, Insha Allah!

A delegation led by a dismissed staff of UEW to a voodoo priest in Accra in the recent past to terminate my life spiritually turned out to be a fiasco, just like all the other previous and ongoing attempts. The voodoo priest was extremely lucky when he chickened out at the last minute, the planned journey to Benin.
Even spiritually poisoned guinea fowls presented to Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni, and my unwavering self, couldn’t do ‘fokoo’!

I put it to these deluded individuals trying to eliminate me spiritually that It is a complete waste of time and resources, because the shrines, black magic, voodoo, etc, whose help are being solicited in this doomed undertaking, are fake, and require immediate help to get away from the vagaries of the weather in which such things are currently squatting!

This mentally unstable sponsor of unconstitutionalities, is reminded that he is NOT God, and can NEVER be, so his avowed aim of removing Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni from the office of VC of UEW, would forever remain his worst nightmare!

This psychopath, is undoubtedly the weakest link in terms of determining who occupies the position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO), thus VC of UEW!

It is submitted without any reservation whatsoever that no shrine, deity, black magic, voodoo, or whatever form of devilish or satanic machinations, can cause the removal of Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni, from office as VC of UEW; neither can such filth cause any harm to Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni or the son of the upright peasant farmer, Insha Allah!

This demented chap is without doubt, swimming in a sea of disgrace, and December 7, 2020, is waiting patiently to crown his disgraceful end by applying the parking break to his moribund political career, Insha Allah!

The blind and confused followers of this ‘he goat’, are advised to advice themselves accordingly, since this baby with very sharp teeth, is a spent force and require urgent help in order to minimize the unimaginable disgrace, patiently waiting for him on December 7, 2020.

Alhassan Salifu Bawah
(son of an upright peasant farmer)

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