
Let’s put the primaries behind us and work towards victory in 2024- Dr Fred Kyei Asamoah

The newly elected New Patriotic Party (NPP) Parliamentary candidate for Offinso North, Dr Fred Kyei Asamoah, has appealed to all NPP supporters to put the just-ended election behind them and start planning towards the December general elections.
He also appealed to the various contestants in the election to put any differences behind them if there were any during the election and rather let their focus be on how to bring all members together to campaign for victory in the upcoming election.
Dr. Asamoah made the call when he spoke to the media on Wednesday after his victory over the incumbent Member of Parliament for Offinso North, Mr Augustine Collins Ntim.
He explained that now that the primaries were over, what was needed were unity of purpose, sharing of ideas and seeing how best to get the best election message to the Ghanaian populace so they would retain the party to continue with its good policies.
Dr. Asamoah also indicated that the smooth and peaceful manner in which the recent primaries were held attested to the unity and oneness among members of the party and urged members to maintain their focus.
He used the occasion to thank Offinso North constituency delegates for the honour done to him and the trust reposed in him to represent them during the next general election.
Dr Asamoah pledged to bring all members of the party especially those who contested the primaries together and engage them during the upcoming campaign.
Dr Fred Kyei Asamoah won the election after he polled 378 votes to beat the incumbent, Augustine Collins Ntim who had 231 and Rockson Kwaku Adu Boahen who recorded one vote.
This is the first time Dr Fred Kyei Asamoah is contesting in the NPP primaries in the Offinso North constituency.

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