Local News

Ada Unemployed Youth, Chiefs And Elders Walk In Solidarity With Electrochem

…For Jobs And Development

The youth, chiefs and elders of Ada have hit the streets of Sege in the Ada West District to solidarize with Electrochem company limited. The youth who are clamouring for jobs and development have also petitioned the District Chief Executive of Sege to among others ensure the smooth operations of Electrochem to safeguard jobs and development for the people of songor and its environs.

The unemployed youth together with their chiefs and elders believes that Electrochem company limited has the right machinery to mine salt at the songor lagoon to its full maximum to the benefit of the district and the teeming unemployed youths in Ada

Experts say the Ada Songor lagoon can produce about 2.5 million metric tons or more of salt if its potential is well tapped with advanced technology but currently the songor lagoon produces around 400 metric tons of salt, this the youth say is because of the outmoded technology being used and are vehemently calling on the DCE of Ada West, Mr. Adzoteye Akrofi to consider the teeming unemployed youths and ensure Electrochem company limited provide the jobs and development for them.

A concern youth of Ada, who only gave his name as Isaac said “Electrochem is ready to develop well advanced concessions with modern technology at vantage points for the local people living around Songor lagoon and even buy our salts at prevailing price thereby creating a ready market for us.”

The leader of the unemployed youths, Mr. Tamihu Albert said “we the youths welcome Electrochem company limited with both hands to Ada and we shall support the company to our benefit, we need development and more importantly development in Ada.”

“For me, the reconsideration of L.l 287 by parliament which gave Electrochem company limited the opportunity to commence work in songor lagoon is a step in the right direction.” A concerned youth

Parliament on November 4, 2020 granted the mineral rights to Electrochem company limited to dig for, mine and produce salt in the songor lagoon for a term period of 15years, which upon expiration is subject to renewal under the mining laws of Ghana.

In what the youth described as the best development agenda for Ada and the future of the teeming youth, they stated among others bigger capacity for salt production about 1.4 million, restoration of inland and fishing lands, revival of wetlands which will serve as tourist attraction and the creation of direct and indirect jobs for the youth as well as the development and improvement in the living conditions of the people of Ada.

The youth further stated that the Astroturf football pitches to be built by Electrochem company limited in Ada will help develop young football talents in Ada.

The youth have also applauded the Electrochem company limited to grant scholarships to brilliant but needy students in Ada to further their education to the highest level.

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