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Afenyo-Markin Chickens out in Court Again

There was drama at the Winneba High Court on Wednesday, 24th June, 2020, when Counsel for Dr. Frimpong Kaakyiri Duku, in a case against the University of Education, Winneba (UEW), Alex Afenyo-Markin, bizarrely withdrew an earlier application seeking to annul the Pro-Vice-Chancellor election results.

Only Last Wednesday, 17th June, 2020, at the same court, Afenyo had insisted on moving a motion on the matter, despite Justice Aboagye Tandoh’s explanation that the case was not listed for hearing that very day.

According to Alex Afenyo-Markin, the application for annulment had been pending for far too long, hence his insistence on moving the motion.

Afenyo-Markin, upon seeing the affidavit in opposition to his motion by UEW, bizarrely withdrew his, and requested the court to award cost against the University of Education, Winneba. This left many people in the courtroom bemused as to where Afenyo had his legal education. The court accordingly turned down his strange request.

The plaintiff, Dr. Frimpong Kaakyire Duku, filed a suit against UEW at the Winneba High Court challenging the powers of the Vice-Chancellor to nominate three Professors to contest the Pro-Vice-Chancellor election. He subsequently filed a contempt application against the Vice-Chancellor, the Registrar, and the University Librarian on the same Pro-Vice-Chancellor election.

His Lordship Justice Aboagye Tandoh, held the view that both applications filed hinge on the determination of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor election application. His Lordship Justice Tandoh, therefore, adjourned the two cases to July 20, 2020, for the motions to be moved.

This decision did not go down well with Counsel for the applicant, Alex Afenyo-Markin who wanted the contempt application to be moved at all cost.

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