
Afenyo-Markin ‘Knocked-Out’ In Court

The outgoing Member of Parliament (MP) for Effutu, and calamitous Board Chairman of the Ghana Water Co. Ltd (GWCL), Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin, aka radio lawyer, ‘collapsed’ in court, following Mike Tyson type ‘punches’ he received, resulting in a ‘technical knock-out’.This baby with very sharp teeth, who breaths, eats, and propagate lies, lied as usual to his foot soldiers that, the ruling in a suit that he hastily filed in September, 2019, against the iron son of the upright peasant farmer, is set for today (Wednesday 4th December, 2019).I assure the foot soldiers of little Afenyo-Markin that, it is one of the usual lies of Afenyo-Markin, deliberately churned out to keep his foot soldiers, happy!Afenyo-Markin bolted away from this case (a classic trademark of Afenyo-Markin) just about three (3) weeks ago, therefore, Afenyo-Markin has no case pending against me in any court of competent jurisdiction anywhere in the world!As a known radio lawyer, Afenyo-Markin could be gearing up to rule on this case on air. Expect the Afenyo-Markin ‘owned’ media houses like asempa, Okay FM, ghanaweb, etc., to carry this image denting story.Afenyo-Markin is reminded that, today is 4th December, 2019, and Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni, is still the Vice-Chancellor (VC) of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW). And since he Afenyo-Markin promised his foot soldiers that he will remove Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni from office as VC of UEW by December, 2019, it is only appropriate that, he is reminded.It is surprising that most people still take the serial liar Afenyo-Markin, serious. The only truth that comes out of Afenyo-Markin’s lips, is greetings, such as good morning. All what follows next after exchanging pleasantries with Afenyo-Markin, are outright falsehoods!I personally feel sorry for Afenyo-Markin, for he has selfishly destroyed himself through this ill-conceived idea of reinstating Prof. Avoke to his previous position of VC at UEW. The relationship between Afenyo-Markin and Prof. Avoke, on the reinstatement agenda, was simply a marriage of convenience, that is, to steal as much funds as possible from the coffers of UEW, in the highly unlikely circumstance that, Prof. Avoke, was reinstated. Period!!Anyway, Prof. Avoke, in an interaction with the media after submitting a petition to the Hon. Minister of Education, Dr. Mathew Opoku Prempeh a few months ago, did the ‘honourable’, by acknowledging to have been “naive”!!Thank God Prof. Avoke has been delivered from the lies of Afenyo-Markin.Afenyo-Markin is a real baby, for if he was matured, he would have foreseen that, he stood no chance of winning this battle. By Allah’s grace, Afenyo-Markin has been comprehensively defeated!As a result of the slippery character of Afenyo-Markin, I urge some EOCO officials, to be circumspect and professional in their dealings with Afenyo-Markin, for acting blindly on the orders of Afenyo-Markin, is likely to cost them their jobs! With Musfus, TDK Atlantic, Mary-Hen, Mansuru Issah Ent., etc. in mind. ‘If you know, you know’!I challenge Afenyo-Markin to a live televised debate, on the UEW issue, or any other issue, any day!Alhassan Salifu Bawah(son of an upright peasant farmer)

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