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Afenyo-Markin Led GWCL Fires Forty-Two (42) Staff; An Appeal For Social Justice By The Downtrodden To Former President Rawlings

On the basis of public spiritedness as exhibited by Supi Kofi Kwayera that initially led to Prof. Avoke and Theophilus Ackorlie being injuncted, and subsequently interdicted, and finally being dismissed by the University of Education, Winneba (UEW).

And flowing from the same public spiritedness mantra showcased by Bondzie Sey, the busybody NPP Effutu Constituency Vice Chairman, arising from his Certiorari application seeking to quash the holding of the Cape Coast High Court 2, which affirmed the legality of the dismissal of Samuel Ofori Bekoe by the UEW Governing Council at the Supreme Court of Ghana, where he was dealt a devastating blow stemming from the unanimous decision in favour of UEW, I do hereby appeal to the good office of former President Rawlings, to come to the aid of some staff of the Ghana Water Co. Ltd. (GWCL), who have been denied social justice by the Board and Management of GWCL!

Readers are assured that this is a fascinating piece for them but a frightening one for the henchmen!

As a self proclaimed apostle of social justice, the cap perfectly fits Rawlings in respect of this ‘koko’ (easy) task.

GWCL is a publicly owned entity, and its Board is currently Chaired by a certain Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin, an outgoing Member of Parliament (MP) for Effutu, who deceptively refers to painting of public property (financed from his share of the Common Fund) as renovations, and who rumour has it that he dabbles in voodoo, and black magic, and basking briskly in occultism.

In February, 2020, GWCL sacked forty-two (42) officials without any reasonable justification.
In a letter dated 17th February, 2020, with reference number HRAS/APPT/TJ/CAB/01, and signed by the Managing Director (MD), Ing. Dr. Clifford A. Briaimah, (see attached documents), management of GWCL claimed that the said 42 officials procured their appointments through fraud by submitting “falsified appointment letters”.

This dust, being thrown by the Board and management of GWCL into the eyes of the wider Ghanaian public, clearly constitute an indictment on the judgment of GWCL with regards to GWCL recruitment procedures, on the basis of the reasons adduced by GWCL for the said dismissals.

It is alleged that applicants for recruitment into GWCL, are required to pay hefty bribes ranging between GHS 4,000 to GHS 10,000, depending on how juicy the position being filled is.
It is further alleged that, the 42 dismissed officials were unable to pay the hefty bribes demanded by some unscrupulous persons in positions of authority at GWCL, hence, their outright dismissals.

Your Excellency, you are no stranger to the stand of Afenyo-Markin (Board Chairman of GWCL) in respect of the dismissals of Prof. Avoke, Theophilus Ackorlie, Frank Owusu Boateng, Mary Dzimey and Daniel Tettey from the employ of UEW.

With a court of competent jurisdiction (Cape Coast High Court 2), affirming the legality of the said dismissals by the UEW Governing Council, Afenyo-Markin, who claims to be a lawyer, dragged the good name of your office into disrepute by leading the affected staff of UEW to petition your office for their reinstatement (a matter that a High Court had already made a pronouncement on).

Having lost the reinstatement case miserably at the Cape Coast High Court 2, and your office not having the constitutional mandate to overturn a High Court decision, Afenyo-Markin proceeded to the Supreme Court, where he sought to quash the judgments of the Cape Coast High Court 2, through Certiorari applications in respect of the dismissals of Samuel Ofori Bekoe (which was unanimously dismissed by the Supreme Court), and Prof. Avoke and the four (4) others, which Afenyo-Markin withdrew when another defeat stared him right in his ugly face.

In the above reinstatement hearings, Afenyo-Markin submitted inter alia in court that, the dismissed officers were financially incapacitated due to lack of income following their dismissals, and therefore, unable to support their families.

Your Excellency, are the dismissed officials of GWCL not human beings? Per the submissions of Afenyo-Markin in court that the dismissals of Prof. Avoke and the others has disabled them financially; and fully armed with this knowledge of the consequences of unemployment, is it not inhumane and unjust that Afenyo-Markin as Board Chairman of GWCL, who is vainly moving heaven and earth to get Prof. Avoke and others reinstated at UEW, presided over the dismissal of forty-two (42) officials at GWCL with the flimsiest of excuses in one day? What sort of wickedness is this?

The nagging question is, how many staff have been dismissed by UEW in the last two (2) years? The answer is, 6. Meanwhile, Afenyo-Markin has on several occasions, claimed falsely in the media that UEW has dismissed over twenty (20) officers without any shred of evidence to back his wild claims and assertions. However, I have attached to this write-up, incontrovertible evidence to back my submissions.

If Afenyo-Markin is not an undisputed classic paradox, then what else is he? Fact is, in one instance, Afenyo-Markin is calling for the reinstatement of some dismissed officers at UEW, while in another instance with the same body and suit, Afenyo-Markin is dismissing 42 officials at GWCL!

As an apostle of social justice, which you succinctly re-echoed during the 31st December Anniversary Celebration in Winneba on 31st December, 2019, where you were misled to call for non-existent social justice for Prof. Avoke and some others, I humbly and respectfully call upon you to intervene and save these 42 Ghanaians from abject poverty that may lead them into prostitution, armed robbery and other social vices, by getting them reinstated at GWCL.

In case of a lawsuit by GWCL in respect of this write-up, the address for service of the court process is:
1 Farmers Road,
Vicarage House
Truth & Facts Town

Alhassan Salifu Bawah
(son of an upright peasant farmer)

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