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Afenyo-Markin, The Crying Baby

The crying baby, Afenyo-Markin, who is on his way out of Parliament come December 7th 2020, is as confused as ever.

Having stolen over US$180 million from an International Bank operating in Ghana, that resulted in Afenyo-Markin’s house at Dzorwulu being confiscated, along with cars and other properties, the shameless Afenyo-Markin, instead of paying off these numerous and other suffocating debts around his neck with the monies he has deceived the gullible Prof. Avoke and Ackorlie to collect, has rather childishly decided to use these funds he received under false pretenses, to pay some media houses for airtime to put across his usual babyish rantings for people of low intelligence like Prof. Avoke (naive), Avea Nsoh, aka Victor K. Owusu (we have finished at the court), Ackorlie (voodoo priest), Asiedu-Addo (‘Most Senior Dean/Pro-VC’), Ahmed Jinapor (titles man), Samuel Sarpong (alumni elections scatter), Samuel Ofori Bekoe (the butcher), and other members of the public who easily fall for Afenyo-Markin’s lies.

The above argument is founded on the grounds that these individuals mentioned above and many others who claim to have attended schools and acquired questionable certificates, believed Afenyo-Markin’s palpable lie that just by filing a case in court, amount to an order of the court! What a disgrace!

Afenyo-Markin, like any citizen of Ghana, has got every right to broadcast his opinion on issues, and associate with whoever he wishes to associate with, just as he realized that Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni, is of a high moral character and proven integrity than he Afenyo-Markin, hence Afenyo-Markin’s rightful decision to disassociate himself from the Catholic Priest, and subsequently returned ‘home’ to be in bed with individuals who derived their mandates from defunct councils, and proceeded to violate the Public Procurement Act, 2003 (Act 663) as amended for private gain, and other persons who miraculously turned medical claims of just under GHS 400 into almost GHS 4,000 claims! This is the real home of Afenyo-Markin!!

With Afenyo-Markin being clothed with moral bankruptcy (fathered 22 children with 15 different women), in addition to financial bankruptcy, and like a prostitute ‘defected’ from the Clean Catholic Priest to join the failed dirty campaign of Prof. Avoke and his confused foot soldiers to unseat the Clean Catholic Priest in their dreams as the Vice-Chancellor (VC) of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW), what moral right has Afenyo-Markin got to question the rumoured association of Dr. James Kofi Annan, with the National Democratic Congress (NDC)?

For Afenyo-Markin to ‘floor’ me in respect of my argument that Kofi Annan has the right to join any political party of his choice as guaranteed by Article 21(1)(e) of the 1992 Constitution (freedom of association), the onus lies on Afenyo-Markin to quote any law of this country that nullifies the above Constitutional provision. Anything short of this, is nothing other than the hallucinations of a failed Board Chairman-cum-symptoms of a Member of Parliament, clearly on his way out of the Chamber for eternity.

Alhassan Salifu Bawah
(son of an upright peasant farmer)

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