Local News

Ayeh-Paye Exposed; Allegedly Sponsored Illegal Demonstration Against Developers

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Ayensuano Samuel Ayeh-Paye is beginning to face stiff apprehension from majority of his constituents who have raised serious questions and reservations against his recent attitude in the constituency.
The MP, has been at the center of controversies within the area as he is being accused of sponsoring illegal Demonstration against KOANS Estate Limited and other people who want to bring development to the area.
It would be recall that, some youth of Kyekyewere in the Eastern Region have staged a demonstration accusing KOANS Estates of taking over their farm lands.
The demonstration was held after the Estate developer went to develop portions of his legally acquired land.
Information reaching this paper has it that, the Member of Parliament of the area and his allies had sponsored the said demonstration against the Estates developer after allegedly conniving with some chiefs to sell portions of KOANS Estate’s lands to GIHOC Distilleries.
The said illegal demonstration, staged by some few people who have been allegedly paid to do so, according to sources was to help the MP cover his illegal sale of the lands.
Information gathered indicate a that the Estates developer had a vast land in Kyekyewere in the eastern region within the Ayensuano District which the MP and some chiefs are selling arbitrarily without the knowledge of the land owners.
The constituents who are very unhappy about the way and manner the MP is using some few farmers to torment trouble in Kyekyewere are braving up to vote him out in the December elections.
The youth who were lured into carrying out the MP’s alleged demonstration, however make a turn-around and declared their intention to vote against the MP after realizing that their action was against the law of the land and that they were just used by the MP to serve his parochial interest.
The MP has ruled the area for years but his recent actions are likely to affect his chances in the December 7 poll as residents complained bitterly about the poor nature of their roads which the MP failed to construct.
“The MP cannot even tar the toads in his community. He has been in that office  but cannot point to a single achievement,” a resident said.
The apathy which is gradually setting in at this time leading to the elections, has been described by many people in the constituency as a bar omen for the ruling New Patriot Party (NPP).
According to some supporters of the NPP, Samuel Ayeh-Paye cannot be allowed to cause the downfall of the party hence, every efforts must b made to bring him to order.
They believe that, their MP Samuel Ayeh-Paye who has performed abysmally among his fellow Eastern Regional MPs has been at the center of disputes even within the party ranks in the constituency.
Meanwhile, speaking to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of KOANS Estates Mr. Kofi Anokye, he indicated that he had every reason to believe the position being held by majority of residents that their MP was behind the illegal demonstration.
According to him, his grantors had acquired their judgement over the lands even before the fourth republic came to power and handed over the lands to him and  even before the MP came to office.
The community at the time, was lagging behind in development and the people believe the presence of KOANS Estates would raise the image of the community.
The CEO of KOANS Estates and other real Estates developers at a Press Conference alleged that the MP sponsored the said demonstration just to woo the electorate into voting for him after his poor performance as MP.
“Instead of the MP creating employment for the youth, he is rather sponsoring them to embark on demonstrations,” he lamented.
He said the MP was voted to power by his constituents to bring development to the area but not to destroy people’s business.
Mr. Anokye is of the view that, Samuel Ayeh-Paye should have used his position as an MP to bring solutions to problems that may arise as result of the acquisition and ownership of the lands but not to hide behind journalists ad people to conduct needless demonstration at this 9th hour of the election.
Mr. Kofi Anokye however averred that if what he is hearing from press men and members of the community that it was the MP who sponsored the demonstration is true, “then I can say the MP Samuel Ayeh-Paye is not qualified to be a law maker.”
However, in an interview with Ayeh-Paye via mobile phone, he denied having a hand in the said demonstration and claimed that he has nothing to do with what is going on in the area.

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