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Curtain-Raiser To The Exposè Of The Rot Created By Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin At Ghana Water Co. Ltd

It is paradoxical that while the undisputed outgoing Member of Parliament (MP) for Effutu, cum-a-complete failure as Board Chairman of the Ghana Water Co. Ltd (GWCL), goes about falsely accusing others of corruption without any shred of evidence, there is an abundance of incontrovertible evidence in respect of gargantuan loot of the State’s resources at GWCL, superintended over by the most corrupt MP in Ghana today, thus Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin.

To start with, A. J. I. Trading Ltd., was awarded a contract for the supply and installation of 2NO. Pumpset with Control at Enyan Booster Station in the Central Region, at a total cost of GHS 110,000.00. See documents attached.

An similar contract was awarded to Intermerc Gh. Ltd., for the supply and installation of 2NO. Pumpset with Control at the 3rd Ridge Booster Station in the Central Region, this time, at more than 10 times (GHS 1,102,095.00), the price quoted by A. J. I. Trading Ltd. See documents attached.
These contracts were awarded during the tenure of Afenyo-Markin as Board Chairman of GWCL. See extreme bottom of documents.

The question is, what informed the decision of the GWCL Board to award this particular contract to Intermerc Gh. Ltd., at this hugely inflated contract figure?
Value for money, a key requirement of the Public Procurement Act, 2003 (Act 663) as amended, was thus thrown to the dogs.

And this pathetic robber of Mother Ghana, has the guts to refer to someone else as corrupt? What a classic paradox!!
This is just the curtain-raiser to the next level the unperturbed and reliable son of the upright peasant farmer, is taking the exposè of the criminal activities of Afenyo-Markin to. Why is Afenyo-Markin not suing my ancestors and my good self? It is surprising that this known ‘court-monger’ is silent on my numerous revelations of his criminal pursuits.

Alhassan Salifu Bawah
(son of an upright peasant farmer)

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