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Elections 2020: There Should Be Zero Tolerance for Impunity against Journalist-GJA President

Speaking at a forum organised by the GJA and United National Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to mark the commemoration of International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalist, Mr Affail Monney said that impunity against Journalist is an attack on democracy and thus there is the need for a strong commitment from all stakeholders to confront the issue of impunity with utmost tenacity regardless of who the offenders are.

He mentioned that, the assurance by President Nana Akuffo Adoo and the Ghana Police to arrest perpetrators of the murder of Ahmed Suale of Tiger Eye fame if executed should punish the killers to the fullest extent permissible within the law to serve as the storngest antidote for the impunity against journalist in Ghana.

He added that the Ghana Journalist Association expects democratic institutions which are nourished by the media to demonstrably and stridently rally to the defence of journalists in their difficult moments.

Mr Affail Monney also cautioned journalist to avoid any breach of values which Underwood their profession and can lead to people attacking them.

The Country Representative of UNESCO, Abdourahamane Diallo on his part said that, a report revealed that about 900 Journalist have died in the field of duty from 2010 to 2019.

He added that, the State has the obligation to protect journalist and ensure that people who harm journalist are severely dealt with.

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