
Fall-out from Prampram Homowo; Elders of 3 royal gates petition IGP over assault on police officers by thugs of Nene Tetteh Wakah

Elders of the 3 royal gates in the Prampram Traditional area of the Greater Accra region, have petitioned the Inspector General Police (IGP) to investigate cases of attacks by some hoodlums on some police personnel during last weeks homowo festival in the area.

The kingmakers who thanked the police administration for ensuring peace and security during this years festival day other issues such as the assault on it men should not go unpunished.

Reports say the hoodlums, who were alleged to have been contracted to guard the embattled chief of Prampram, Nene Tetteh Wakah II, were captured on tape heckling and assaulting some police personnel who were deployed to the area to ensure peace during and after the festival celebration.

Reports suggest the thugs who were peeved by the decision of the police personnel to prevent them from attacking elders of the Annor We Royal Family who were performing some traditional rites in front to their family house, begun heckling and verbally assaulting some personnel leading to the deputy regional commander ACP Laar Baman being hit in the chest with another junior officer, also being slapped in the face.

The situation if not for the timely interaction by a backup team led by the regional police operations commander and that of the paramount stool father Numo Osabu Abbey, would have escalated into a bloodied situation.

Prampram Homowo Scene

However, elders of the Abbey/ Doku Mansro We, Tetteh Djan/ Larbi Agbo We and Kwei Opletu We, have in a petition endorsed by the paramount stool father who doubles as the Dzaasetse, called upon the Regional Security council and the IGP to as matter of urgency investigate the matter and apprehend all those hoodlums for such gross disrespect to the police administration.

According to them, the 23rd August 2022 incident should be enough eveidence for the police administration to be in the known that, Nene Tetteh Wakah is the mastermind of all acts of violence in Prampram.

They said, most of these hoodlums who attacked the police were carrying pistols and other sophisticated weapons in the full glare of the public, with a premeditated mindset of shedding blood in the event that they do not have their way of doing things on that day.

Paramount Stool Father Numo Osabu Abbey said, for Nene Tetteh Wakah and his cohort decided to go contrary to an earlier peace agreement reached between themselves and the police, shows clearly that he is bent on destroying the peace that exist in Prampram, and for that reason the police must do everything they can to call him into order.

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