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Ga-Dangme Chiefs Express Gratitude To President Akufo Addo For Ensuring Peaceful Homowo

The President of the Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs and the entire members of the House have commended and expressed their gratitude to the government for th role they played in ensuring peaceful and very successful Homowo festival this year.

The President of the house who is also the Paramount Chief of the Osu Traditional Area, His Royal Majesty, Nii Okwei Kinka Dowuona VI, made the commendation at the induction and swearing in of the President of Shai Traditional Council, Nene Ode Opeo Martey Awah IV into the Regional House Chiefs as a member.

He said the Regional House of Chiefs engagement with the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo before the Homowo festival yield the peaceful and successful Homowo across the Region.

His Royal Majesty, Nii Okwei Kinka Dowuona VI stated that collaboration with the traditional councils setup by government in issues pertaining installation and any other rites and rituals to avoid chieftaincy disputes and sanity as well as the chieftaincy act 759 of 2008 which governs the institution must be adhered to.

He called on the President to continue with the measures he put in place to ensure more successful Homowo festivals in the near future.

The Osu Mantse and the President of the house further expressed gratitude to the security agencies for their unprecedented role before, during and after the Homowo festival and urged them to continue their collaboration with the Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs to enhance another successful Homowo.

Nii Okwei Kinka Dowuona use the occasion to advise his fellow Chiefs to promote unity and development in their Traditional Areas and desist from things that will undermine the development of the Ga-Dangme states.

The President prayed for peace and unity among the people of Ga-Dangme and thanked them for ensuring a peaceful and incident free Homowo this year.

Nii Okwei Kinka Dowuona VI advised the newly inducted member to work with the rules and regulations of the House and urged him not to use the mandate giving to him to trample upon his people, rather use it to promote peace and unity in Shai Traditional Council.

He further advised the subordinates of the newly inducted member not to use the name of their Chief to engage in any unlawful act which may bring shame and disrespect to their Chief and the people of Shai Traditional.

Source: Muhammed Faisal Mustapha

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