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Ghana: COVID-19 Lockdown Is Prophetic – Apostle Francis Amoako Attah

The partial lockdown by the President, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo of some parts of the country amid the novel coronavirus spread, is not only in the right direction and a strategic decision to take, but also “Prophetic.”

This was revealed by the Founder and Leader of Parliament Chapel International, Apostle Francis Amoako Attah during his Sunday Online Service.

According to the man of God, the decision of the President to lock most affected areas down is the right thing to do because Jesus Christ himself, when he was confronted with crisis, He make the people “sit down” before He found solution to their problems.

Preaching on the topic; “Positioning Before Provision, Apostle Francis Amoako Attah quoted the Scriptures Isaiah 26 v 20 which states “Come, my people, enter your chambers, And shut your doors behind you; Hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment, Until the indignation is past,” and said God instructed his people to lock down for Him to find solution until the plague is over.

Likewise, he said President Akufo-Addo has done nothing wrong by locking down the cities for that was done in the interest of finding solutions to the pandemic.

He said, it will never get better until it gets worse and that in crisis like this, the leadership must rise up to the top, take decisions even though many people would not be comfortable, to save situations.

Apostle Francis Amoako Attah urged Ghanaians to stop complaining because the moment they begin to complain, they make God little and exalt the throne of the devil.

He preached that the lock down is an opportunity for us to see the power of God and His desire to bring everybody home. “Time to come home, we are all lost to the Glory of God so this is the time we must all come home, and pray to God and recognise Him as the supreme being.”

The Parliament Speaker also indicated that John 6 v 1 – 12 Jesus said, “Make the men sit down. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand. And Jesus took the loaves; and when he had given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down; and likewise of the fishes as much as they would,” also reveals the importance of sitting down/shut down/lock down.

According to him, there can be no meaningful solution to pandemic of this nature or a global scourge without a lockdown.

Apostle Amoako Attah also used the pulpit to appeal to the people of Ghana especially the rich, benevolent organisations, philanthropists and the churches to donate into the COVID-19 FUND created by the President.

He said Isaiah 6 v 13 espoused the need to gather in times like this. According to him the Scripture Isiah 6 v 13 “.               ,” clearly instructed us to gather.

He said: “If there shall be no loses, Africa for that matter Ghana must come together and gather (contribute). The time for gathering is now.”

According to him when we all come together as one people and gather the little resources we have, God will bless Ghana abundantly.

He said, what God desires from His people is for them to Listen, Obey, Sit Down and Gather, and urged the rich, churches and benevolent organizations to contribute/donate into the COVID-19 Fund set up by the President.

Apostle Amoako Attah said setting up the COVID-19 Find is the beginning of the gathering process, and hence if there shall be no more loses people must come together and contribute.

He said: “Let us all come together as one nation and one people and gather (contribute to the fund) and God will bless our nation abundantly.”

It would be recalled that Apostle Prophet Amoako Attah in his 31st December 2019 service launched God’s Agenda 2020and said this twin year, 2020, God will shake the foundation of this world being Countries (super powers), World Economies, Supremacy and Currencies.

Also, on Tuesday 24th March 2020, in interview with Zionfelix he strongly urged the President must Lock down Accra and Kumasi.

This however happened as on March 26th, the President declared a lockdown of these cities.

Interestingly, Apostle Francis Amoako Attah in that interview said the virus had crossed Kumasi and heading to the Northern Region.

However, latest updates few days after his pronouncement, revealed that 10 Guineans who were under quarantine have been tested positive and confirmed case also recorded in Upper West Region.

Followers who are keenly following Apostle Francis Amoako Attah’s messages via all social media handles believe he is the only man of God with a strong voice that speaks the mind of God.

The followers described him as the one and only Kingdom Speaker who must be taken serious, considering all the pronouncements and prophesies be gave which came to pass.

Most of them said they got themselves prepared for the lockdown after listening to him because of the power and force in his voice calling for a shut down.

By: Prosper Agbenyega

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