Local News

Give One Weak Slap, Get Two Hefty Slaps Back!

A failed Member of Parliament (MP), who is clearly on his way out of Parliament come December 7, 2020, was sent crushing to the ground, when he dished out a babyish slap, and the recipient of this ‘anaemic’ slap, returned it in Bruce Lee like fashion in double slaps that ended up teaching the failed MP, a lesson he will NEVER forget!

This failed MP, who had cynically clothed himself in a jalabiya, was quickly helped to his feet by some of his blind followers and immediately evaporated from Winneba and magically condensed in Accra. What a shame!!

This little chap hasn’t seen anything yet! He will be hooted at shortly, through the principal streets of Winneba, Insha Allah!!

I urge this idiot, to serve the University of Education, Winneba (UEW) with more court processes, in order to satisfy the hopeless expectations of his silly followers, who most often aimlessly accompany bailiffs to serve useless court processes on UEW.
To borrow the words of Asiedu Nketiah, “any idiot can go to court”. What a real idiot this failed MP is!!

Until this bigot leaves UEW and its management alone, he will NOT have peace! The child that says its mother will not sleep, will not also sleep either! Simple!

I wish to make a cash donation to the ‘Bruce Lee’ whose returned slaps sent this dumb-ass to the canvass. I humbly appeal to him to get in contact.

Alhassan Salifu Bawah
(son of an upright peasant farmer)

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