
GPHA Security Vows To Make It Impossible For Stowaways To Embark On Their Nefarious Activities

The Port Security Manager, Joseph Punamane who was speaking when three Nigerian Stowaways were disembarked in the Port of Tema, after they were discovered on board a Europe-bound vessel, has stated GPHA’s resolve to make sure the Tema Port is not used as a conduit for individuals who want to travel overseas illegally by deploying robust methods of security.

The three stowaways, who said they travelled in search of greener pastures revealed that they boarded the vessel separately at the Port of Lagos.

Two of the stowaways, revealed that they have all indulged in some form of illegal travel overseas previously in life, but were deported and were confident they would succeed this time around.

According to the Port Security Manager, Joseph Punamane, per standard practice the Nigerian stowaways would be repatriated to their country, and the Authorities there would deal with them according to their laws.

The Port Security Manager, Colonel Joseph Punamane, advised the stowaways to discontinue their activities of embarking on such illegal voyages, citing many instances where failed attempts have led to extreme injuries and sometimes deaths.

“I think some of them are just desperate even though they know they will die,” he said.

He advised the public to be resilient in their pursuit of a genuine livelihood, instead of resorting to such unsuccessful ventures.

“I believe it is possible to work hard here and succeed. So, I will urge them to work hard instead of taking these unsuccessful risks.”

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