
Zongo Coordinator In Hot Waters For Receiving Donation From Israeli Ambassador

A section of the Muslim populace have registered their displeasure at the Coordinator For Zongo and Inner-city Development Hon. Ben Abdallah Banda for accepting a consignment of food items from the Israeli Ambassador, H.E. Shlomit Sufa.

The items was purportedly received by the coordinator on behalf of Muslims in Ghana for the celebration of Eidul Fitr.

According to them the Coordinator for Inner-city Secretariat is fully aware of the brutality being melted out to Palestinians by the Israelites which every Muslim is against.

They revealed that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other Islamic states have on numerous occasions condemned Israel for their brutal attack on Muslims and evictions of Palestinians from their homes in East Jerusalem.

This has compelled the various Muslim organizations in Ghana to call on Hon. Banda to return the said Eid’l Fitr food items back to the Israeli embassy as a way of registering the displeasure of Ghanaian Muslims.

In a related development, the Coalition of Muslim Organisations, Ghana (COMOG) in a statement issued after the donation stated on behalf of the Muslim Community that Muslims in Ghana are not aware of any request for a gift of food from the government of Israel nor its agents and therefore wish to inform the general public that no such items from the Israeli Ambassador was expected nor received by COMOG for onward distribution to the Muslim Ummah in Ghana.

The organization urged Alhaji Banda and the Zongo and Inner-city Development Secretariat to desist from using the name of Muslims in pursuit of his selfish and parochial political agenda.

“COMOG again wishes to place on record that in recent times the actions of the Zionist State of Israel, its agencies and collaborators have constituted themselves as the most ignoble cabal with an avowed objective of annihilation of Muslims and Islam is its entirety” the statement added.

Below is Unedited Statement From COMOG


12th April, 2024


The attention of the Muslim Community in Ghana has been drawn to a news item which suggests that the Coordinator for the Zongo and Inner-City Development Secretariat, Alhaji Ben Abdallah Banda has taken possession of a consignment of food items from the Israeli Ambassador, H.E. Shlomit Sufa purportedly on behalf of Muslims in Ghana for the celebration of Eidul Fitr.

The Coalition of Muslim Organisations, Ghana (COMOG) wishes to state categorically on behalf of the Muslim Community that Muslims in Ghana are not aware of any request for a gift of food from the government of Israel nor its agents. We therefore by this communique wish to inform the general public that no such item from the Israeli Ambassador was expected nor received by COMOG for onward distribution to the Muslim Ummah in Ghana.

We wish to urge Alhaji Banda and the Zongo and Inner-city Development Secretariat to desist from using the name of Muslims in pursuit of selfish and parochial political agenda.

COMOG again wishes to place on record that in modern times the actions of the Zionist State of Israel, its agencies and collaborators have constituted themselves as the most ignoble cabal with an avowed objective of annihilation of Muslims and Islam is its entirety.

In as much as the existence of inconsistency may be part of the traits of an ambitious person, the Muslim Community in Ghana expects Alhaji Banda and the Zongo and Inner-city Development Secretariat to exercise due diligence when it involves clandestine attempts by the Zionist of Israel and its agencies to shield their crimes against humanity and the consequent suffering they have caused innocent people around the world. Was the action of Abdallah Banda and Zongo and Inner-city Development Secretariat supposed to suggest that they are unaware of the carnage and atrocities in Palestine, perpetrated by the State of Israel? How could they stoop so low, succumbing to the bait of the Zionist State of Israel, giving them the opportunity to cover up their enmity and savagery against humanity?

The Zongo and Inner-city Development Coordinator’s acceptance of food items from the Israeli Ambassador indicates his indolence to the plight of our fellow Muslims under Israeli atrocities in Gaza and other Palestinian occupied territories.

COMOG therefore, as part of its protest against the exploitation of Israel, wishes to call on all Muslims not only to blacklist Alhaji Abdallah Banda pertaining to social and religious programs in the Muslim Communities, but also boycott any program he would organise until he returns the items to source and renders an unqualified apology to all Muslims in Ghana.

Muslims in Ghana do not want anything from Israel. For this reason, Alhaji Banda must take all the junk food back to the Israeli Ambassador and tell her, we Muslims in Ghana have more than enough to be recipients of handouts from the enemies of Islam.

We cannot pretend to be oblivious of the inhuman treatment that has been unleashed on the innocent people of Palestine since the creation of the Zionist State of Israel. If they have any compassion for Muslims, they should show it to their next door neighbours who need it more. Israel cannot subject human beings in Palestine to such an unbearable hunger, desolation and deprivation, and turn around to pretend to be feeding other human beings in Ghana. This level of hypocrisy cannot be countenanced at the expense of the dignity of humanity and Muslims in Ghana. On this note we have resolved to resist any attempt by the Israeli government to use Muslims in Ghana to conceal their universally detested crimes against humanity. Thank you.

Mohammed Shamsudeen Shaibu,
(Chairman, Media/Research Committee)
Contact: 0244843696.

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