
Happy Royal International School Officially Opened

Happy Royal International School (HRIS) has officially been commissioned with the call on parents and teachers to ensure that children are given the needed head-knowledge acquisition, hand-skill development and the heart-attitude formation to propel their development.

HRIS, one of Ghana’s up and coming International Schools with an acknowledged reputation for discipline and excellence is considered the number one in the Oyarifa community and its environs because of the quality tuition the school offers children despite the fact that it is at the young stage of its establishment.

Speaking at the official opening and graduation ceremony, the Guest Speaker Mrs Florence Esi Damali, Former Director of Education-GA East Municipality said the goal of education is to train the head-knowledge acquisition, hand-skill development and the heart-attitude formation, hence for any nation to develop, it needs to build the competency of its people in the areas of knowledge, skills, and attitude. “In the light of this observation, I share and agree with the theme for this event – “Education, the bedrock of national development”.

She however bemoaned the fact that most of the educational institutions focus on the knowledge acquisition at the expense of skills development and attitude formation.

This, according to Mrs Damali, leads to most graduates lacking the basic skills required for entrepreneurial undertaking which ultimately increases unemployment.

She said; “Again, most of the social vices such as corruption, ruthless exploitation of our natural resources, in our case Galamsey activities which have destroyed our water bodies are manifestations of lack of relevant attitudes such as honesty, respect for nature, service with integrity and excellence among several others.”

She believes that in order to make education the bedrock of national development, there must be conscious efforts in ensuring that we offer a holistic education that covers all dimensions of our social life-Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor skills.

“I recommend the Theory of Multiple Intelligence developed by a renowned American psychologist Howard Gardner in 1983. Gardner argues that there are nine (9) different levels of intelligence which educational institutions must seek to develop. These are Naturalist, Musical, Logical-Mathematical, Existential, Interpersonal, Linguistic, Bodily-Kinestic, Intra-personal and Spatial Intelligence.”

She added that when “we focus of these dimensions of intelligence, we shall be developing learners with skills in the areas of respect for nature (naturalist), respect and tolerance for others (interpersonal skills), sports- bodily-kinestic among others. I am sure we have several Asamoah Gyans, Ayews, Hussain Bolts, Ephraim Amos and many more in our children gathered here. It is our duty to nurture them and bring out their respective talents for national development.”

Mrs. Esi Damali also urged parents and Guardians to put into consideration the hallmark of Happy Royal International School which is built on Honesty, Quality, Excellence, Decency, Discipline and Integrity and give off their best for their children.

“The creation of a conducive environment for teaching and learning is a shared responsibility. I humbly urge you to play your respective roles to complement the efforts being made by the management and teachers of this school,” she advised.

The Director of the School, Mrs. Emelia Agbenyenu on her part averred that HRIS is becoming one of Ghana’s preferred International schools with an acknowledged reputation for discipline and excellence despite the school’s youthfulness.

She indicated that as a new school established in a pandemic year; 2021, HRIS has gone through interesting yet challenging phases in its inception and opening.

The COVID-19 pandemic, she admitted wreaked a lot of schools which affected all manner of persons and establishments negatively.

“However, I am extremely proud to say that HRIS has never recorded any case in the school. Management of this school has worked relentlessly to ensure that the impact of this dreaded disease is mitigated to a very large extent.”

Mrs. Emelia Agbenyenu said “Dreams do come true, so Dream BIG and make that dream your life. Think it, Dream it and Live on it”.

She also averred that she has always been an unrepentant and unashamed advocate for quality and holistic education hence her belief that the growth of the children in their  care become vital for a successful future of Ghana.

“Focusing on every aspect of the pupils’ growth, we encourage and promote the child’s sense of belonginess and achievement through series of devoted powerful teaching and learning activities based on trust.”

The school, she said is striving hard to make the best possible efforts to inculcate healthy values along with academic and co-curricular activities into the pupils.

“It is equally important that a child should be well mannered in terms of behavior and etiquette. …the theme, “Education, the bedrock of National development” starts right from the foundation of the child. School has a vital role to play in developing a child into well-balanced personality. Such a child who has respect for environment is sensitive towards the social responsibility and also sensitive in using the school resources and above all he/she becomes resilient to the challenges of life. I strongly affirm that good education is the road map to personal and National development.”

The Director of HRIS trusts that parents along with the team of HRIS will help the children grow as self-respecting and courageous torch bearers of the world.

She thanked all parents that have reposed their faith and confidence in Happy Royal International School (HRIS) and the ideals it stands for and gave the assurance that, their “loved ones are in good and safe hands and I am sure that our pupils will make both you and us proud.”

The School, Happy Royal International School (HRIS) was envisaged by the C.E.O Mr. Happy K. Agbenyenu who mooted the idea of establishing the school a couple of years ago.

His passion, dedication and quest to add quality to children’s life birthed the dream for the establishment of HRIS.

The schools activities marking the official opening and graduation ceremony was sponsored by Healtkit Pharmacy Ltd., Milife Insurance Company, Bel-aqua mineral water, Indomie, Bel beverages, Yumvita, Kalypo and Vita milk.

By Prosper Agbenyega

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