Local News

Hon. Adwoa Safo’ Aide, Supporter Snatched And Hijacked Dome Kwabenya Constituency Delegates’ Album

When an internal audit is misconstrued to mean exhibition it makes me sad because I begin to think we have a whole lot of work to do in the constituency.

Administratively no Committee that has been mandated by higher legitimate authority will from time to time have to seek permission to perform their normal responsibility within their powers.

I stand to be corrected, there is no clause in the NPP Constitution that forbid any mandated group of our party not to carry out internal audit if they so wish.

Let us get it straight, the compilation and generation of Delegates’ Register is conducted at the Constituency and copies sent to Regional Party Office and National H/Q. The source document is from the constituency. It is therefore presupposed that the very copy at Constituency should be the same as the copy at National H/Q unless it is altered.

*Audit simply means an official examination of an organisation’s records or books to check that they are correct or not and based on the findings to advise. It is an internal exercise.

*Exhibition is a public show or display where people can go and see paintings, photographs etc. It is not restricted to selected few. Here public means  everyone who deem himself or herself fit can visit the show. And infact such as an exercise will require extraneous powers and involvement.

The Parliamentary Election Committee (PEC) at DKC was doing its normal auditing of the register and sought to invite electoral zonal coordinators to help the exercise to clear doubts and hold themselves in readiness to the incoming Parliamentary Primaries Elections.

In this case, the PEC was doing an Audit and not Exhibition .

Do they require approval from Region or National to do an internal audit? No, No and No.!!!!

What the snatchers did was illegal and amounted to disrespect to the Committee and the Party at large, which should be condemned.

I am confused at the revelation by one of the snatchers who claimed he handed over the document to the Police but later at a meeting with Regional Police command, he said the document was given to the Constituency Chairman who was himself part of the PEC that was conducting the audit. All efforts to get the DKC Constituency Chairman has failed.

The National H/Q are advised to release the Delegates Register Album to the PEC for exhibition to be carried out on time.

No Exhibition

No vote in Dome Kwabenya

No vote in NPP Primaries Nationwide

All we are asking for is TRANSPARENCY

Every general election has an exhibition to make sure one’s name is there – as a voter.

NPP please TAKE NOTE! !!!

God bless our homeland GHANA

“………..and help us to resist oppressors rule, with ALL OUR WILL and MIGHT FOREVERMORE.

By Mr. Ntim Gyakari aka Sir, Sir

(Senior Member of Dome Kwabenaya NPP and former Polling Station Chairman)


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