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I Never Said Monkey Work And Baboon Chop Anywhere, Not Ever – Ambassador Mike Oquaye Jnr.

Ghana’s Ambassador to India, H.E. Mike Ocquaye Jnr, said he has never said anywhere that ‘monkey work and baboon chop’ under the Akufo-Addo led government.

The Herald Newspaper in its Report last Thursday, claimed Mike Ocquaye Jnr had bemoaned what the paper described as the “Edidi Gya” phenomenon in the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) where some people are only meant to work, while others who lazy about are quickly called and offered juicy government jobs when, the party wins power.
He has issued a Press Release to the said publication which according to him was put out to draw him into arguments and lies and to destroy his personality within the great NPP.

According to him, he never mentioned any monkey work and baboon chop and also never stated or insinuated that whatsoever.

He also said he never mentioned anything about being a Minister and he is not on record to have mentioned to any family or friend that he wants to be a Minister.

H.E. Mike Ocquaye Jnr, stressed that all he spoke openly about on Metro TV was how he enjoyed being an Ambassador, and how we should not think it is only for older people.

“The conversation about his opinions and experiences of nation building has been completely twisted,” he stated.

On the show with Randy Abbey, he even went on to say he was mistaken about the job and that he was very proud to have been chosen to serve Ghana.

He described the Publication by The Herald Newspaper as “mischievous” since comments he made was on a live show on Metro TV and that it was not gossip or idle chat.

He recalled similar instance where the same News Outlet published an article in February, 2020 about him under the headline; “Bring me Back Home – Amb Cries from India”.

This assertion, he averred was also officially debunked as a complete fabrication with no factual basis, asking “What is the obsession of this newspaper in relation to Amb. Mike Oquaye?”

He noted that, but for the upcoming elections, he would have even gone further but he is focused on campaigning in Ghana and Dome-Kwabenya for Ghanaians to vote for “4More years” for President Nana Akufo-Addo as President, and for Hon. Adwoa Safo as MP.

According to him, he is working assiduously in that regard and evident in his unsurpassed unity campaign message when the President Visited Dome Kwabenya last Wednesday.

He said: “We will not be drawn into arguments and lies about who started FSHS in Ghana, when even kids on the street know it is untrue to say anyone else but President Nana Akufo-Addo is the unchallenged implementer of his dream-Free SHS.”

H.E. Mike Ocquaye Jnr, also pointed out that no lies, embellishments and false exaggerations will deter the agenda of Election 2020.

Below is the full Press Release:

For immediate release: –


I Have Never Said Monkey Work And Baboon Chop Anywhere, Not Ever. Ambassador Mike Oquaye Jnr.

It has come to the attention of Ambassador Mike Oquaye jnr that a mischievous headline by the Herald is in the public space.

We wish to state clearly that this was a live show on Metro TV on Good Morning Ghana.

We wish to further state categorically and for the record that he never mentioned any monkey work and baboon chop.

Infact, he never stated or insinuated that whatsoever.

He also never mentioned anything about being a Minister. He is not on record to have mentioned to any family or friend that he wants to be a Minister.

All he spoke openly about on Metro TV was how he enjoyed being an Ambassador, and how we should not think it is only for older people. The conversation about his opinions and experiences of nation building has been completely twisted.

On the show with Randy Abbey, he even went on to say he was mistaken about the job and that he was very proud to have been chosen to serve Ghana. In fact, this is captured in the story but after the twisted headlines etc.

The same Media house also published an article on or around February 12, 2020 about Ambassador Mike Oquaye jnr “Bring me Back Home – Amb Cries from India.” This assertion was also officially debunked as a complete fabrication with no factual basis.

What is the obsession of this newspaper in relation to Amb. Mike Oquaye and his job in India?

In fact, but for the upcoming elections, he would have even gone further but he is focused on campaigning in Ghana and Dome- Kwabenya for Ghanaians to vote for 4More years for President Nana Akufo-Addo as President, and for Hon. Adwoa Safo as MP. He is working assiduously in that regard.

This is evident in his unity campaign message when the President Visited Dome Kwabenya last Wednesday. We are United for the Elephant in Dome-Kwabenya. No Independent candidate, No Skirt and Blouse.

We will not be drawn into arguments and lies about personalities and policies such as who started FSHS in Ghana, when even kids on the street know it is untrue to say anyone else but President Nana Akufo-Addo is the unchallenged implementer of his dream – Free SHS.

No lies, embellishments or false exaggerations will deter the agenda of Election 2020.

Thank you for your attention.

Issued by Office of Amb. Mike Oquaye jnr.

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