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I pledge myself not to be Corrupt: Catholic Schools get new Prayers

The Bishop of the Catholic Church in Sunyani, Most Rev. Matthew Kwasi Gyamfi has instructed all Catholic schools to recite “new prayers” aimed at empowering students to fight corruption.

In reciting the prayer, students are to declare unwillingness to participate in examination malpractice nor any other school activities.

“I pledge myself not to cheat in examinations, sports competitions and other school activities”.

The recitals further include pledges not to engage in bribery nor manipulation.

Catholic students are to additionally confess for the participation in corrupt activities and resources mismanagement as part of the strengthening process.

“We have shown greed…in the way we have misused these resources. We are sincerely sorry for this behavior and ask for forgiveness”

According to the Bishop, the two set of prayers- “Prayer for strength to fight corruption in Ghana” and “ Anti-corruption pledge” are to be recited every morning in all Catholic schools.

“These prayers should be said as part of worship at Prayer and Morning Assemblies in all Catholic schools”

Find the full prayer below:

I pledge myself not to be Corrupt: Catholic Schools get new Prayers

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