
JUST IN: US Embassy Exposes Gov’t Over CSE Partnerships

The United States [US] Embassy in Ghana has caught the Akufo-Addo government flat-footed in its lies regarding the Comprehensive Sexuality Education [CSE] and thereby faking innocence. On 28th January 2019, the US Embassy said that Ghana in collaboration with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO] was to launch a programme to scale up Comprehensive Sexuality Education.

According to the US Embassy, the programme composed of “Over 20 Ministers of Education and of Health will meet in Accra to officially launch a programme that will support the delivery of good quality Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) in Ghana and five other countries on the continent.

The officials will also meet to commit to scaling up comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) and youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health rights services for adolescent and young people.”

The Embassy revealed that “The Our Rights, Our Lives, Our Future (O3) Programme, supported by UNESCO and the Governments of Sweden and Ireland, will allow the six countries, including Ghana, to deepen the scope of existing activities to attain an almost full-scale implementation of CSE.

The purpose is to improve the sexual and reproductive health of young people and adolescents for a consistent reduction in new HIV infections, early and unintended pregnancy, gender-based violence, and child marriage.”

The US government further disclosed that “The meeting in Ghana will enable a secure and sustained strong political commitment and support for adolescents’ and young people’s access to CSE and sexual and reproductive health services across sub-Saharan Africa among others.”
Consequently, true to the US Embassy’s revelation of Ghana Government’s acceptance to include and implement the CSE in the school curriculum from September 2019, just four [4] days after, Dr. Mathew Opoku Prempeh, the Minister for Education and Health Minister Dr. Kwaku Agyemang represented the country at a grand launch to firm-up discussions which had already gone on regarding Ghana’s commitment to the satanic and immoral CSE policy.

At the launch, the Education Minister noted that Ghana recognised sexual and reproductive health education as a conduit for addressing issues affecting her youth.

According to him, the subject of sexuality education had become a very important matter, particularly for the youth in [our] societies, explaining that “the Changing societal context characterised by the free flow of information, media pluralism, and social media has necessitated the need for our education systems to provide accurate information on sexuality education.

“It is in this light that Ghana welcomes the ‘O3’ initiative and the Regional Acceleration program which seeks to accelerate and deepen the scope of existing CSE in six beneficiary countries”, he emphatically stated.

“We in Ghana see it as imperative that sexuality education should be part of the curricula that we will launch in September this year from Kindergarten (KG) to Senior High School (SHS),” he added.

Denials, Lies & Contradictions

Following public anger at government’s attempt to wickedly and secretly sneak in CES into the basic school curricula, Mathew Opoku Prempeh [medical doctor] strangely beats a sharp retreat saying, “The Ministry would like to state categorically that…the curriculum framework for KG-P6 that has been approved by Cabinet from the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment [NaCCA] for use in the development of school curricula and published on NaCCA website does not include anything on Comprehensive Sexuality Education.”
At a presser last Tuesday, Mathew Opoku Prempeh also known as Napo, maintained that the National Council for Curriculum Assessment [NaCCA] has also not submitted to the Ministry any document relating to the CSE.

Matthew Opoku Prempeh denied that the subject [CSE] is a component of the curriculum for the year which is already in motion and maintained that the training for teachers for the rollout of the curriculum this year, did not include issues relating to CSE.

When asked about the CSE guideline document making rounds and purported to be coming from the Ghana Education Service [GES], the Minister says as far as he is concerned, there is no document emanating from his Ministry and none, so far as he is concerned, has been approved for use anywhere.

However, the United Nations Fund for Population Activities [UNFPA] resident representative in Ghana, Niyi Ojuolape, revealed that the CSE policy document was presented by the Akufo-Addo government for funding hence they [government] can pretend to know nothing about what it.

“This concept was brought up by the government of Ghana using Ghanaians in Ghana for the people of Ghana,” Niyi Ojuolape disclosed in an interview on Accra-based Citi TV ‘s The Point of View.

Reeling under intense pressure and allegations of Ghana having received a whopping $2million from the Swedish government to push through the demonic CSE policy, Napo finally conceded that Ghana had indeed accepted to include the CSE in its basic school curricula for implementation from last month [September].

Speaking in interview Kwami Sefa Kayi on an Accra-based Peace FM last Wednesday, Opoku Prempeh admitted to the contents of a video making the rounds of him assuring the international; community of the New Patriotic Party [ NPP] government’s determination to implement the CSE but was quick add that “I wasn’t the only person there.

It was discussed but not approved. The ones that were approved would be taken through as the curriculum. It is not everything that government agrees to. We cannot be forced to accept anything we don’t want to accept.”

Former President John Dramani Mahama has advised the government to drop CSE policy saying it is alien to the cultural norms and values of Ghana. According to him, what Ghana urgently needs is a substantial improvement in quality education, which is accessible and affordable to all.

In a Facebook post, the former president wrote: “I fully understand the outrage of the moral society and a large majority of parents, opposing the planned introduction of what government and its partners are calling Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE).

As noted by the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Most Rev. Philip Naameh of the Catholic Bishops Conference, Rev. Dr. Paul Frimpong-Manso and National Chief Imam Sheikh Nuhu Sharubutu, this addition to the national curriculum cannot be acceptable in any form. Government must immediately withdraw its policy to promote sexuality, sexuality types and practice among young children as the CSE Guidelines implicitly advocates.

We reject it and note that it is important for Government and all Ghanaians to respect and uphold the enduring values, norms and the rich culture of Ghana. What Ghana urgently needs is a substantial improvement in quality education, which is accessible and affordable to all.”

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