Meet The Failed Accountant

In a petition full of malice actuated by hatred and greed, submitted by a failed accountant called Bruno Bajuaose Chirani, thus a FORMER ACTING FINANCE OFFICER of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW), to the Economic and Organized Crime Office (EOCO) to arrest the Vice-Chancellor (VC) of UEW, thus Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni, and other officers of the university, the petitioner, classically shot himself in the foot.
So just based on allegations submitted by a failure, someone should be arrested? If this was the position of the law, then most appointees of this government and other corrupt Members of Parliament, would have been arrested because of the numerous allegations leveled against them by a section of the public.
To start with, the petitioner’s letterhead is a misrepresentation of his current rank and position at UEW.
A substantive Finance Officer (FO), was appointed in accordance with all relevant constitutional provisions by the UEW Governing Council on 4th July 2019, therefore, for this failed accountant to still refer to himself as “Acting Finance Officer” as at 2nd September, 2019, constitutes an attempt to mislead a public officer, thus, the Executive Director of EOCO, and this amounts to a criminal offense, which carries a jail term.
In addition, Bruno B. Chirani, was allowed to use the official Mercedes Benz saloon car of the Finance Officer, with registration number GT 4045-18, based solely on his role as then Acting head of Finance.
It is interesting to know that since Bruno was officially written to to hand over to the incoming Finance Officer over 2 weeks ago, he has defied the authority of the VC to hand over, and has also refused to hand over the Mercedes Benz saloon car to the rightful head of Finance of UEW.
Bruno also left his office without permission on Monday 2nd September, 2019, and only surfaced at the main administration block of UEW at about 11am on 11th September, 2019, without the university official Mercedes Benz saloon car.
Even though Bruno appeared at the swearing-in ceremony of the UEW Governing Council in Accra on Thursday 5th September, 2019, he drove there straight from his rat hole and vanished into thin air after the swearing-in ceremony.
The vacation of office alone, constitutes an offense under the rules and regulations governing public universities staff in Ghana.
The intentional refusal of Bruno to hand over the university official Mercedes Benz saloon car, amounts to a misappropriation (theft) of public property, and this carries a prison term on conviction.
So is it Bruno or the VC who should be arrested? What a thief Bruno is!!
The other issues raised by Bruno in his petition, are borne purely out of his failure to perform to the set standards at the interview for the position of substantive Finance Officer of UEW.
In paragraph 2 of this failed accountant petition to EOCO, he stated that: “In addition, the Vice-Chancellor insistently told me that we should arrange and bring a certain man by name Mr. Francis Obeng from University of Cape Coast as the Deputy Finance Officer to support me with my work ….” This is stupidity and foolishness at its zenith!
If Bruno is now claiming to have entered into this agreement with the VC, why didn’t he object to the publication of the advert for the position of Finance Officer of UEW? However, Bruno applied, and attended an interview. The search committee was chaired by Prof. Ebow Bondzie-Simpson, the Rector (VC) of GIMPA, and eminent Law Professor!
Is it because Bruno performed abysmally at the interview, and was therefore not recommended by the search committee, that’s why he is now petitioning EOCO in bad faith?
Why didn’t Bruno raise these allegations earlier?
I personally witnessed the deficient and poor knowledge of Bruno in accounting one day when a subordinate told him in my presence that he was having difficulties paying a dollar cheque into UEW account, since in the view of this subordinate, the university had no Forex Account. Bruno responded that the university has a Foreign Account, to which the subordinate responded that there was a difference between a Forex Account and a Foreign Account. Instead of Bruno dismissing this subordinate with a lame excuse that he was busy with me, and therefore buy time to research on the difference between Forex and Foreign Accounts, he exposed his poor knowledge in accounting to this subordinate by asking him to explain the difference between a Forex Account and Foreign Account to him.
How can an incompetent, lazy and a failure like Bruno be permitted to be the permanent of head of finance of UEW?
On the few occasions that Bruno reports to work, he surfaces in the office at about 11am, and by 3pm, he is closed for the day. How can such a lazy lout be a substantive Finance Officer?
With all the issues surrounding Ackorlie (voodoo priest), he NEVER for once played with his job. Ackorlie used to be in the office as early as 7.30am on most occasions, and leave office at about 9pm! Ackorlie is the exact opposite of Bruno. Ackorlie is a workaholic and smart, while Bruno is lazy and dumb!
It is clear that Bruno has allowed himself to be misled by a certain failed Lawyer, whose only interest is in siphoning money from dumbs like Bruno and other naive individuals!
Threats of frivolous and vexatious lawsuits cannot stop me from publishing articles like this. Even if am killed, I will write from the grave, Insha Allah! Apart from Allah, I have no fear of anything or anyone else, including lawsuits!
Alhassan Salifu Bawah
(son of an upright peasant farmer)