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The Sad Saga Of Ghana Water Co. Ltd. Continues Unabated

Some people are simply allergic to facts and reality, and as a result, are shamefully denying having superintended over the award of the contract for the supply and installation of transport pump control panel and additional items for Takoradi pump house at Inchaban headworks, to Intermec (Gh) Ltd. at over GHS 14million, which would have saved the State over GHS 10m, if the said contract had been awarded to Sunbabsco Ltd.

This particular contract was given legal effect on 12th January, 2018, and NOT any other date as the create, loot and share brigade are vainly attempting to establish.
Facts are what they are, and visits to former Presidents cannot change these facts! Threatening certain media houses and other innocent people will not change these facts either!!

Which law in this country clothes a former President with the power to determine the outcome of petitions to the Office of Special Prosecutor (OSP), or decide who should be the Vice-Chancellor (VC) of a public university?

In another create, loot and share contract, the Ghana Water Co. Ltd. (GWCL), awarded a contract for the supply of pumps complete with electrical panels, installation and fittings for Ghana Water pumping stations to Intermerc (Gh) Ltd., at an outrageous contract price of GHS 80,682,900.00, while the same contract, could have been executed by Sunbabsco Ltd. at just GHS 14,206,028.00. A whooping loss of GHS 66,476,872.00 to the State!!!

A careful examination of the invoice submitted by Sunbabsco Ltd., in respect of the above contract, helps paint a vivid picture of a well calculated plan that culminated in causing financial loss to the State to the tune of over GHS 66million in a sole sourced contract awarded to Intermec (Gh) Ltd. for Items one to twenty-three in the attached documents.

For instance, while Sunbabsco Ltd. quoted GHS 640,342 for item no. 9, thus supply and installation of spare parts for feeder pumps at Kpong Highlift Station, Intermec (Gh) Ltd. which was eventually awarded this contract without competition (sole sourcing), quoted a staggering GHS 10,495,550.00. A colossal loss of GHS 9,855,208.00 to the Republic of Ghana in this one particular item!!

And those who presided and continue to preside over this gargantuan create, loot, and share at the Ghana Water Co. Ltd. (GWCL), are still at post and lying through their teeth to former Presidents and the whole world that they did no wrong!! What an exercise in futility, because the incriminating documents are available to set the records straight!!

Ken Agyapong, (the self-styled man of Justice) is called upon to help the State retrieve the over GHS 66million from the disastrous Board Chairman of GWCL!!

Fact is, I neither petitioned the office of former President Rawlings, nor the media in respect of the alleged violations of the Public Procurement Act, 2003 (Act 663) as amended in the award of certain contracts at GWCL, but rather petitioned the Office of Special Prosecutor (OSP).

It is therefore ONLY the OSP that has the final say on the proof or otherwise of the contents of my petition, and NO ONE ELSE; just as the National Accreditation Board (NAB) is the only authority clothed with the power to pronounce on the USELESS petition submitted to it by Dawda Eric and his sponsors, who failed to cite a single law of this country to buttress their petition against me!

Let me politely remind former President Rawlings that he dismissed my uncle (Alhaji Issaka Bawah) from public office as the District Chief Executive (DCE) for the East Mamprusi District in the late 90’s, for no apparent reason, leaving my uncle “still out of work”, to borrow the words of former President Rawlings himself.

Suffice is to say that my uncle has NEVER been the subject of any investigation!! Charity begins at home, as the old adage goes, so I am only appealing to former President Rawlings, to do all in his power, and restore my uncle to his previous position of DCE for the East Mamprusi District, first, before he would be clothed with any semblance of moral right to call for justice in his reinstatement efforts for Prof. Mawutor Avoke, the dismissed VC of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW).

Your Excellency, there is a clear case of injustice here, and the continued non-resolution of this matter, that is, the immediate and unconditional restoration of my uncle Alhaji Issaka Bawah to the office of DCE of the East Mamprusi District, is justice denied and untenable!!

Since experience is the best teacher, I respectfully suggest to former President Rawlings to contact the Winneba Zongo Chief, for tutorials in this subject area. Fact is that there are a number of dodgy characters and deceivers around, and it is saddening and appalling to watch them extend their tricks to older statesmen!

More damning revelations coming soon!!


Alhassan Salifu Bawah
(son of an upright peasant farmer)

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