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Afenyo-Markin Counseled To Remove The Speck In His Eye First

Afenyo-Markin, speaking on Okay FM’s ‘Ade Akye Abia’ Morning Show on Thursday 18th June, 2020, wondered why the National Democratic Congress (NDC), is still pushing their agenda in opposing the compilation of the new voters’ register, when there is no victory in sight.

In the words of this little chap whose mouth still reeks of his mother’s breasts milk: “I don’t know who is advising the NDC, but this is a game where if you push an agenda and it fails, you have to abandon it and move on”.

What a classic paradox? This is the same wacko who is on a self destructive path as a result of his selfish call for the reinstatement of some corrupt dismissed officers of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW).
One wonders how much Afenyo-Markin has been paid to embark on this unrealistic and unattainable enterprise.

Having disgracefully and shamefully failed to achieve this false promise through sponsored violent student demonstrations; an attempted coup d’etat; a string of defeats in the law courts; petitions to the Auditor-General; the Economic and Organized Crime Office (EOCO); Amnesty International; Office of Former President Rawlings (under whose reign three High Court Judges and a retired Army Major were abducted and gruesomely murdered and their bodies set ablaze); and numerous sponsored publications of fabricated falsehoods in the media against UEW, the Vice-Chancellor (VC) Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni, and the invisible son of the upright peasant farmer (including a stupid and foolish petition to the National Accreditation Board), the classic failure Afenyo-Markin, continues, as a matter of saving his weather beaten ugly face from shame and disgrace like an albatross hanging around his neck, to deceive and fool some of his silly followers that he is still capable of removing the Reverend Fr. from office as VC of UEW.

I’m battle ready to take on ‘elephants’, and not ‘rats’ like Afenyo-Markin. If Afenyo-Markin honestly believe that he is not a baby stomping around with pampers under his ass, then he should gladly accept my challenge to a live debate on any media platform, including his yet to be set up foxhole radio station.

I go into overdrive when am sued, threatened, or in instances where ineffective spiritual missiles, are directed at me.

Revisiting Afenyo-Markin’s caution to the NDC to soften its stand against the compilation of the new voters’ register, what moral right has little Afenyo-Markin got to advise the NDC to abandon its stand on the compilation of the voters’ register, when he has arrogantly failed to get it into his coconut head that he is too small (a rat), to remove Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni from the office of VC of UEW?

If Afenyo-Markin fails to leave UEW and Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni alone, it would turn out to be his biggest regret in life, Insha Allah!

Alhassan Salifu Bawah
(son of an upright peasant farmer)

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