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Muslim Clerics Demand Removal Of Sheikh Armiyaw Shaibu As Advisor To Chief Imam

Some Muslim clerics from different sects and organizations within the Muslim and Zongo communities have called for the removal of Sheikh Armiyaw Shaibu, as an advisor to the National Chief Imam of Ghana, Sheikh Dr. Osman Nuhu Sharubutu.

According to the clerics, Sheikh Armiyaw has over the years exposed himself to politics and it is sinking the hard-won reputation of the National Chief Imam and his office.

This came to light when this reporter went round the Muslim Communities to solicit views and opinion of the people over the Vice President Dr. Mahmoud Bawumia’s thanksgiven at the Abossey Okai Central Mosque despite the opposition party’s refusal to accept the election results declared by the Electoral Commission Chairperson.

This according to a number of Clerics who spoked in a state of anoymity

claiming Sheikh Armiyaw Shaibu and this cohorts at the office of the Chief Imam are fully aware of the electoral dispute between the two major political parties, yet they pave way for Dr. Bawumia and NPP to have their event.

The Clarice described the attitude of Sheikh Armiyaw and his cohorts as selfish and shameful adding that they (Sheikh Armiyaw and his cohorts) only think about material things rather than their intergrity and that of the office of the National Chief Imam.

According to them, Sheikh Armiyaw Shaibu has put the name of the Chief Imam and CODEO in shame and disrupt hence their calls for his removal at both the office of the imam and CODEO.

They further call on all well-meaning Muslims across the country to protest for their removal to save the hard won reputation of the National Chief Imam.

The Clarice added that the Chief Imam, Sheikh Osman Nuhu Sharubutu is over 100 years of age and has no time to watch television or listen to radio to know the current issues in the country, therefore his aid and advisors are those who inform and highlight him on current issues, due to their political affiliation they organized and move the National Chief Imam to attend and superintend the Thanksgiving by Dr. Bawumia last Friday.

More to come

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