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Afenyo-Markin, Ackorlie & Others Sponsored Demo Hit Bricks At The University Of Education, Winneba (UEW)

The dishonourable and criminal outgoing Member of Parliament (MP) for Effutu, and failed Board Chairman of Ghana Water Co. Ltd (GWCL), Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin, has stupidly and satanically offered a bribe of GHS 18,000 to the National Security personnel currently keeping the UEW campus safe, from hungry and evil enemies of the State, to leave the campus, and allow his hired hoodlums and thugs, access to the campus.

What for? Obviously so that Afenyo-Markin can smoothly carry out part 2 of the destruction to UEW facilities which in March 2019, he sponsored to effectuate.

A known youth leader in Winneba (name withheld), was paid GHS 100,000 on Sunday 14th July 2019, in return for his pledge to deploy his hooligans to destroy lives and property during the demonstrations.
In addition, some 4 selected Zongo youth, were also paid GHS 25,000 each a few weeks ago to also mobilize the Zongo youth for the said demonstrations.

It is not only unfortunate, but pregnant with stupidity, ignorance and foolishness at its highest level, for the backward thinking Afenyo-Markin and his gang of petty criminals, to myopically conclude that a violent demonstration would serve as a gateway for the return of the now ailing Prof. Avoke to office as Vice-Chancellor (VC), of UEW!

These are people who snubbed the Winneba High Court, and traveled all the way to Cape Coast to patronize the services of the Cape Coast High Court 2; and just when the Court has set the 30th of July 2019, to deliver its ruling, Afenyo-Markin, Prof. Avoke, Theophilus Ackorlie, Frimpong Kaakyire Duku, Frank Owusu Boateng, Mary Dzimey and Daniel Tetteh, have all of a sudden, caught cold and are now resorting to violence.
If Afenyo-Markin, who claims to be a lawyer, but who appears to be a clown, childishly reasons this way, then he is not only a stupid fool, but also, a moron!

I urge Afenyo-Markin to personally lead the demonstrations, in order to show leadership by practical demonstration, and proceed to command his ‘troops’ to defeat!
Anything less than this, would amount to acceptance of defeat on the part of Afenyo-Markin and his paymasters.
In Afenyo-Markin’s warped mind, Ghana is now a jungle. Interesting times ahead!

More coming soon!

Alhassan Salifu Bawah
(son of an upright peasant farmer)

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