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Nana Agradaa Is Always Welcome To Church – Freedom Chapel

Nana Agradaa, a popular idol worshiper’s recent revelation that she attends church service at Freedom Chapel (now Parliament Chapel International) has come to the Christianson as a good news which will bring joy and gladness to heaven.

As the Bible says in Luke 5:7 that “I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent,” so is the manifestation in the life of Nana Agradaa.

Meanwhile, some bloggers sought to criticize Nana Agradaa’s decision to attend church believing that so long as Nana Agradaa is practicing idolatry, the man of God Apostle Francis Amoako Attah must have nothing to do with her.
These writers and bloggers use headlines to get traffic because Apostle Francis Amoako Attah is a voice and very influential man of God in the country.
It was reported that Nana Agradaa has boldly disclosed that aside been a proud idol worshiper, she attends church every Sunday at Freedom Chapel.
She was quoted to have said; “Aside worshiping my lesser gods or idols I also attend church at Freedom Chapel. This is because I believe in God as the overseer of my life. Give what belongs to ceaser what belongs to him. That’s why I go to church.” She made this known on her Talking Point show.”
However, speaking in an interview with McLord Ice, Head of Media at Freedom Chapel International, he admitted that Nana Agradaa do come to the Church for Tuesday prayer service long before she became a priestess and on every Sunday as was reported.

He said  that Agradaa used to attend prayer service on Tuesdays before she became priestess “but not this time, never. And it was during such services on one of those days, years ago that Apostle Amoako Attah prophesied to her that if she don’t pray seriously a god in her family will use her but even if it does happen she will surely will come back to Christ and that the fear of the man of God is that she must have led many soul astry by then. Then years after she turned out to be a priestesss of idols. That prophecy came true. So I believe she will come to christ as prophesied.”

He said he is always not surprised seeing such headlines and that the man of God is not boarded about such headlines either because he “has no skeletons in his closest.”
According to him, during one of Nana Agradaa’s visit, Apostle Francis Amoako Attah gave a prophecy over her life, telling her that there was a strong evil force in her family which is fighting to win her completely into idol worshiping.
According to McLord Ice, Apostle Francis Amoako Attah also revealed to Nana Agradaa that God needed her and that it would come to pass in her life when she will give up all she has with idols and turn to God; but that, he said, Apostle Francis Amoako Attah feared would happen after she (Agradaa) had led several souls astray.
He stressed however that, Nana Agradaa has not been attending church service every Sunday neither is she having any secretive agenda with Apostle Francis Amoako Attah.
McLord Ice, averred that Apostle Francis Amoako Attah’s desire is to see Nana Agradaa repent and turn to Christ and that he (Apostle) was happy to read that Nana Agradaa still sees God as the overseer of her life.
“I am surprised at people casting insinuations as though it is bad for such a person to come to church. Men of God are to win souls and draw lost sheep’s closer and back to God. That is the number one duty or responsibly Apostle Francis Amoako Attah has and he will not renege on that just because of what people would say. He is and continue to be a true man of God and Nana Agradaa of all people has attested to that,” he said.
McLord Ice encouraged Nana Agradaa to seek Christ through a true man of God “and I recommend Apostle Amoako Attah to her.”
He also called on others like Kwaku Bonsam to turn to Christ and give their life for the living God.

By Prosper Agbenyega

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