
One term Man vs the Man with Bold solutions: Dr. Bawumia, Your Choice

President Akufo-Addo who seem to have been caught in the tragedy of the biblical Moses took over an ailing economy of Ghana with high expectations in 2017and being a man in a hurry rolled out decisive innovative transformative ideas aimed at moving Ghana Beyond Aid until he got hit first by Covid-19 in 2020 and later by Russian-Ukraine War with their devastating effects on both lives and livelihoods of humans within the borders of our beloved Ghana.

As Ghanaians prepare to go to the polls in 2024, we find ourselves at a critical stage in the nation’s history. The challenges facing the country are daunting – from the lingering economic fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war, to rising costs of living, widening fiscal deficits, and rising debt burden. The fact is no government in the history of Ghana has ever been hit by a pandemic and like Moses, President Akufo-Addo has done his best to keep the ship steady without sinking it. Indeed, he exhibited exemplary leadership that earned global recognition in the manner in which he handled incidence of Covid-19 in particular but like Moses, at a point must bow out to hand over the baton to the Joshua of our time to help build the Ghana we aspire to be.

Moses was called to lead Israelites out of bondage, he did that per excellence until he encountered challenges in the wilderness—-a phase he had to hand over the baton to His Deputy, Joshua.

Ghana needs decisive, principled, servant leadership to steer it through these troubled waters into a transformed prosperous future. At this rough times, one man who stands as a beacon of hope is Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the vice president and presidential candidate of NPP. Like the biblical Joshua who led the Israelites into the Promised Land after their long sojourn in the wilderness, Dr. Bawumia has the vision, integrity and suitable work ethics and connections to be Ghana’s modern-day deliverer. Going forward, Ghana certainly needs a tried and tested leader with bold solutions to help decisively deal with the realities of our time. In Dr. Bawumia, Ghana would have a president of flawless character and proven competence to lead the nation to the “Promised Land” of prosperity and development. “If you want someone you can trust to come up with innovative and impactful ideas to transform Ghana, then it is Dr. Bawumia” as captured in his visionary speech on the election of NPP’s flagbearer.

Dr Bawumia has elevated vice presidential slot in Ghana into an enviable brand on
the lips of many Cherished Citizens and this is a remarkable feat.
Indeed, Dr. Bawumia’s credentials as an economist, former Deputy Governor of Bank of Ghana and most visible VEEP in the 4th Republic are sound. He has been key in successfully implementing critical policies like our digital address system, mobile money interoperability and national ID card-initiatives meant to make Ghana not only digitally ready and competitive but also a WISER(i.e. wealthy, inclusive, sustainable, empowered and resilient) economy. Under President Akufo-Addo and Dr. Bawumia’s reign, Ghana has consistently prioritized development of her immense human capital through initiatives like Free SHS programme, increased capitation grant and expanded the scope of school feeding programme with the firm belief that education indeed is a leveller. “If you are looking for the man who has the vision and commitment to prepare Ghana for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it is Dr. Bawumia,” he proclaimed. “Who can you trust to protect and improve Free SHS? Once again, it is Dr. Bawumia” for NDC plainly said free SHS was only a fantasy and the best Ghana could do was to have a progressive FREE SHS. While touting his achievements, Dr. Bawumia also exhibited remarkable humility, by affirming—-“I do not intend to compare what I have achieved as Vice President under President Akufo-Addo to that of a Vice President who could not, perhaps, make a mark. I would let you be the judge of that.”

There is no higher religion than the call to serve for the next great task of Government is to chat a path that inspires all to give off their best as pieces in the puzzle of economic transformation.

At his core, Dr. Bawumia is a man driven by a profound sense of duty to serving Ghana and uplifting all its cherished citizens. The Bible instructs in Proverbs 14:34 that “righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people”. Throughout his career, Dr. Bawumia has walked a righteous path, eschewed corruption and graft that have enriched many politicians at the expense of the masses– “I will work for you and with you; with honesty and integrity; with wisdom, and decisiveness,” vowed Dr. Bawumia. He understands that true leadership means being a servant of the people first. From his bold vision for the future to his humility and integrity, Dr. Bawumia personifies the principles found in 1 Peter 5:2-3 – “Be shepherds of God’s flock…not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.” One of the pillars of Dr. Bawumia’s agenda is protecting the vulnerable through strengthening social interventions such as LEAP, NHIS, School feeding and others.

Good stewardship of all resources being it physical, natural or man-made is Dr. Bawumia’s pledge to the good people of Ghana when offers the nod in 2024.

Dr. Bawumia also aims to leverage Ghana’s natural resources responsibly for the benefit of all Ghanaians. While the path ahead for Ghana seems scary, Dr. Bawumia has laid out a comprehensive Post Covid-19 Programme for Economic Growth (PC-PEG) supported by a $3 billion IMF program. The six pillars include restoring fiscal sustainability, enabling monetary policies to control inflation and currency instability, growth and job creation through diversification of the economy, and protecting the vulnerable. At the halfway point of the IMF program’s first review, Ghana has exceeded targets, with the Fund describing its performance as “compelling.”

Only the impossible is worth doing for our resolve and willingness to pay the price for the prize certainly differentiate our impossibilities from their possibilities at all times.

The concrete results speak to Dr. Bawumia’s capacity to execute transformative ideas even in the midst of impossibilities. Moreover, he recognizes that Ghana’s mission must align with its constitutional ethos of building “an optimistic, self-confident and prosperous nation… operating within a democratic open and fair society in which mutual trust and economic opportunities exist for all. “In his stirring words: “Together, we can succeed in building a progressive society of possibilities, enterprise, compassion, open opportunities and shared prosperity for every Ghanaian, born rich or poor, born in the north or the south, born Christian or Muslim, born girl or boy.” This inclusive vision hews to the biblical exhortation found in Galatians 3:28 – “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all ONE in Christ Jesus for IT IS POSSIBLE.” When Ghanaians go to the polls in 2024, they face a fundamental choice-plump for the future of innovative, principled and unifying leadership offered by Dr. Bawumia, or cling to corruption, mismanagement and missed opportunities of the past? A vote for Dr Bawumia, is certainly a match to the promised land, where efficiency, accountability, possibilities and respect for all are the benchmarks of good governance. A chance for Dr Bawumia, is helping save Ghana from missed opportunities of holding Ghana at a standstill for at least four(4) years.

Democracy isn’t the voting; it is the counting because elections belong to the people
not fixated for the next election but for the next generation.

As well captured in stone: “If you want a leader who has a proven record, and who you can trust to build Ghana with YOU and be more accountable to Ghanaians, then it is Dr. Bawumia”. A one-term President as being offered by NDC is certainly dangerous if we aspire to the long-term development of Ghana. Realities suggest, we need at least a year to put Government machinery in place, a year to put up a winning plan and of course with politics taking centre-stage again in the third year of our 4-year election circle, meaning transferring power to a one-term Government should be critically assessed as they can ought to be reckless, sluggish and incompetent with excuses since they’ll not seek re-election from us again.

Life is a cycle of change, and time is an affirmation that every sunset is a chance to reset
and spring forth with new ideas to build and transform our lives

A vote for Dr. Bawumia is then an activation of the Scriptures command in Joshua 1:9 to “Be strong and courageous; and never be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord our God is with us wherever we will go.” In these trying times, Dr. Bawumia heeds that call as the courageous, principled servant leader the nation needs to cross over into a brighter future. Just as Moses could not lead the Israelites into the Promised Land, President Akufo-Addo’s tenure has been marred by major shocks and crises not of his making though, but our HOPE is that we have a Joshua of our TIME in the person of Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia to safely and courageously take us to the “Promised Land” of sustainable development and prosperity for all.

Doors open to those who are bold enough to knock for life is surely
set to be Out with the old and IN with the BOLD.
Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia is that leader-a visionary reformer of unimpeachable integrity who will restore hope, create opportunities and unify Ghana through ethical governance and inclusive policies. On election day 2024, Ghanaians should heed the clarion call of “The Time for Bawumia is Now!” and empower him to be the Joshua of our time for IT IS POSSIBLE with his promised BOLD SOLUTIONS. End

Writer: Dr Henry Kokofu (Esq)
Former CEO of EPA

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