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Opinion: The Pitiful Afenyo-Markin

Afenyo-Markin childishly believe that, he can threaten almost everyone with lawsuits, and have his way. I have not been served with any lawsuit from Afenyo-Markin, and as a matter of law, am free to speak on any issue that the laws of this country, permit. Any media house that has not also been served with the widely circulated suit against me, is also at liberty to hear my views and broadcast same, and this is perfectly permissible under the laws of Ghana. A person is not served a court process through social media like WhatsApp.

The threat by Afenyo-Markin to sue Top FM 103. 1, for granting me an interview on Thursday 12th September, 2019, when am yet to be served with his face-saving suit, amount to lawlessness and cowardice at its best. I urge the management of Top FM, to call the bluff of Afenyo-Markin, and disregard his request to retract the contents of my interview with them.
The fact is that, from that Thursday when news of that frivolous suit surfaced up to today, that is Monday 16th September, 2019, I Alhassan Salifu Bawah, is yet to be served the said suit, as at 9.50am.
In the eyes of the law, I did no wrong by speaking to the media and publishing material regarding that shameless suit.

Afenyo-Markin is the most dishonest person in this country! Afenyo-Markin foolishly believe that he can contravene the laws of this country by sending hoodlums and party thugs, headed by his driver to serve me a suit, which is clearly illegal, while a media house (Top FM), which did no wrong in the eyes of the law, is being threatened with a vexatious lawsuit by this outgoing Member of Parliament (MP), and failed Board Chairman! What a classic paradox!!

Top FM must not succumb to these empty threats. The station is urged not to issue the said retraction demanded by Afenyo-Markin at 12 noon today. I do hereby declare that I will be responsible for all the legal costs and payment of any damages in respect of any subsequent suit against Top FM by Afenyo-Markin following the interview granted me on Thursday 12th September, 2019.

Crooks and thieves clothed in suits, should not be allowed to hold this country to ransom, just because their political parties are in power!
I repeat that, the dishonourable Afenyo-Markin is a thief, and Insha Allah, I will ensure that, Afenyo-Markin is jailed, in order to free up law abiding persons like Top FM to perform their constitutional duties without fear of threats!

Alhassan Salifu Bawah
(son of an upright peasant farmer)

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