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Peoples Mother Set For A Reverting Conversation On Empowering Women Under The NPP

The Mother, girls, ladies and all making up the female gender play unique roles in our societies and our body politics.

The best policies and programmes are what is needed to spearhead their growth and see them take up challenges which hitherto was the preserve of the male gender.

In the 21st Century, the role of the female gender has been revolutionized and has graduated from the background to the fore.

In Ghana, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has through its policies and programmes provided opportunities for growth for women in diverse sectors of the country’s economy.

These women have moved on to become some industry leaders serving as a backbone for the younger generations to learn from.

Against this backdrop, the Deputy Tescon Coordinator for the NPP has developed a platform christened “Interactions with Peoples Mother” to tell intriguing stories of policies that have women and children at the heart.

Hosted by the bubbly Rosemond Obeng, the show will see in attendance some great female minds whose stories of advocacy and achievements are worthy of sharing and an inspiration to this generation.

Apart from sharing their intriguing stories, these personalities will draw out the various policies under the Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo led administration and gauge how imperative it has been to the development of the country.

The web based programme will be live on all social media platforms of “Interact with Peoples Mother” and promises to be engaging and thought provoking.

Stay tuned!!!

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