
Prampram; 3 Royal Gates Warns Okyeame Opey To Desist From Meddling In Their Family Matters

Heads of the 3 royal gates making up the Annor We Royal Family in the Prampram Paramountcy, have issued a stern warning to one Nene Opey IV (okyeame Opey), a Dzaase and chief linguist to the Prampram Traditional Area, on the need for him to desist from meddling in their family matters.

The warning by the heads of the Abbey Doku Mansro We, Kwei Opletu We and Tetteh Djan Larbi Agbo We which makes up the Annor We Royal family, follows a letter issued to the 3 royal gates by the said Nene Opey VI, directing the 3 families to nominate representatives for a special meeting on the 30th of October 2022. According to the letter, the meeting was to iron out all differences ahead of possible surveying and distribution of the Annor We land along the Laloi Lagoon.

Per the content of the letter, the said Okyeame Opey said, he was enforcing a directive by the Property Fraud Unit of the Ghana Police Service.

However, a letter cited by the media dated the 3rd of November signed by the heads of the 3 royal gates and copied to the head of the Ablewankoe Family of which Okyeame Opey Pardie is a member and that of the Ghana Police Service, warned the former to stay clear off the issues of the Annor We Royal family since he’s not a member of the family.
According to the elders, Okyeame Opey has no locus or powers to call for such a meeting, hitherto any right to even chair a meeting to discuss the possible surveying and distribution of lands amongst members of the royal gates.

According to the elders, they are equally aware of the sinister motive behind the said meeting which failed to materialize, and will not fall for it, warning any plans by some individuals to use the induced Okyeame Opey as conduit in achieving their evil plans in Prampram will not yield any results.

The heads of the 3 royal gates have since called on the government and the police to use a more independent approach in the distribution of the said lands, since according to them they have lost trust in some individuals such as the Hon E.T Mensah and other statesmen in the area to mediate on the matter.

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