
Prampram; Three Royal Gates Petition NHC Over Renewed Attempts By RHC To Gazette Michael Quarcoopome Parker As Chief

The three royal gates within the Prampram Paramountcy in the Greater Accra region namely, Abbey Doku Mansro We, Tetteh Dzan Larbi Agbo We, Kwei Opletu We and the Paramount stool father, Numo Osabu Abbey IV, have repetitioned the National House of Chiefs, over renewed attempts by the Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs to gazette one Michael Quarcoopome Parker as chief of the area.

The petition signed by the various heads of the 3 royal gates, is seeking among other things, the immediate intervention by the National House of Chiefs to injunct any attempt by the regional House of Chiefs to undertake such an illegality, since there’s is an already pending case before the house challenging the legality of the said Quarcoopome Parker.

The royal gates had on the 13th of September petitioned the National House of Chiefs on a similar attempt to gazzette the said Quarcoopome Parker who parades himself under the name Nene Tetteh Wakah III. The house then instructed the regional House of Chiefs to halt with the said gazettion until the pending case is ruled on.

However the petitioners say with the area already embroiled in some form of turmoil due to recent happenings, any attempt by the regional House of Chiefs to gazette the said Tetteh Wakah will lead to bloodbath or anarchy.

They sited the last Octobers murder of the Kley Tsokunya Family head as an evidence to back their claim that, there’s a calculated attempt by persons within the camp of the self-styled to annihilate key members of the said family who have the symbol of authority to determine who becomes chief of Pramrpam.

They added that Prampram has no chief and it is imperative on the part of the Regional and National house of chiefs to respect that and ensure their actions and handling of the matter, do not disrupt the fragile peace in the area.

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