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Rev. Mavis Amoako: 20 years of Parliament Chapel all about God’s Goodness

The First Lady of Parliament Chapel International, Rev. Mavis Amoako said 20 years of Parliament Chapel is all because of God’s Faithfulness for which the entire Church is grateful.

According to her, there is nothing so fulfilling to her than to win souls for Christ and that doing that for the past 20 years together with members of Parliament Chapel International, she believes has been a blessing to many souls.

She was speaking in an interview today when the Church held a Mega Float as part of activities to mark its 20th Year Anniversary Celebration.

The Float was used to invite the general public to their Major Anniversary Event Dubbed; “A Year By This Time,” which comes off tomorrow Sunday October 20, 2019 at the Church Auditorium in Darkuman official Town near the Market at 2pm.

The Float which was taken through some Principal Streets of Accra, saw Leaders, Head Pastors of the various branches, Church Elders, Members, the Youth all singing to melodious Gospel Songs as they distribute flyers and invitations to the general public.

According to Rev. Mrs Mavis Amoako the Church is overwhelmed with gladness to see that 20 years on, it stands the test of time and has become a foundation where souls are won for Christ and for the Kingdom of God.

She enumerated that there is fullness of joy and Grace in Christ and for that matter, urge all to seek the face of God.

“You see without God, we are nothing. So this is the time we must worship Him and give Him all the glory He deserves. I will appeal to the youth to worship God for He alone can make them who they want to become,” she said.

She said: “I will use this opportunity to celebrate our Daddy, God has used him to do wonderful things in our lives and we believe He will continue to do more as we launched into another 20 years journey.”

According to her God is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and believing in Him is the Hope of Glory.

Speaking to some members of the Church, they all expressed gratitude to God Almighty for using Apostle Francis Amoako Attah to build their Christian lives.

According to them, their lives have been transformed since they took the decision to join Parliament Chapel International, adding that their 20th Anniversary is nothing but an indication of how far God has shown them His greatness.

Join Parliament Chapel Tomorrow for the major event, “A Year By This Time,” at 2p.


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