Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin: Classic Paradox Part V

Apart from being a confused, confusing and indeed Paradox personified, Afenyo-Markin, the failed Member of Parliament (MP) for Effutu and disastrous Board Chairman of Ghana Water Co. Ltd. (GWCL), continues to make a mockery, if not a nuisance of himself.
Having failed woefully to respond to the extremely embarrassing revelations about his daylight robberies and other criminal activities, he instead keeps making baseless accusations and illogical comments against the leadership of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW)!
As if the frivolous lawsuits he has filed against the university are not nauseating enough, the outgoing MP has now resorted to attempts at causing more violence at the university through illegal demonstration exercises.
One would have expected that since he is alleged to have the Winneba Police in his pocket, he would, at least have some respect for the laws of this country by giving ample notification to the Police before carrying out his sponsored demonstration activities. I thought Afenyo-Markin is a Lawyer, but apparently he is clueless about basic principles in law!
Afenyo-Markin would do his already battered reputation some minor repair by citing any law in this country whether repealed or still in force, which stipulates that a subsequent Report that has no connection whatsoever with a previous disciplinary action that was taken based on a different set of facts other than the subsequent Report (Economic and Organized Crime Office (EOCO) Report), with its embarrassing and questionable findings, exonerates the said disciplined officers.
This EOCO Report that Afenyo-Markin is deceiving himself with, was initiated by he Afenyo-Markin himself and certainly not UEW! This fact has been laid out at the Cape Coast High Court 2! Afenyo-Markin is the same chameleon who petitioned EOCO to cause them to carry out the said Investigations and is now making noise everywhere that UEW was the applicant. Afenyo-Markin claims to be a lawyer, and makes all these public noises about the so-called EOCO Report, even after he submits same as evidence in court! A lawyer indeed!
The Fact Finding Committee that was set up by the UEW Governing Council, uncovered blatant violations of the Public Procurement Act 2003, (Act 663) as amended, by the then Vice-Chancellor (VC) of UEW, thus Prof. Mawutor Avoke, and his kitchen cabinet. The evidence of these violations is there for anyone who wishes to make an objective assessment of the issues at UEW to avail themselves with. I am in possession of the Tender Evaluation Reports submitted to the then VC, Mawutor Avoke, and his other dismissed colleagues, in which certain proposed contracts were recommended for Re-Tender, but the said recommendations were NEVER complied with. The said contracts were awarded to the cronies of Mawutor Avoke and his compatriots in clear and brazen violation of Act 663!
It also makes no sense as to why Afenyo-Markin is continuously mourning about Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni’s alleged refusal to vacate the office of VC of UEW. If there is a court order to that effect, then Afenyo-Markin needs no reminder that that is a clear case of contempt of court, and so what is he waiting for? Who is this common criminal Afenyo-Markin to determine who occupies the seat of VC of UEW?
It is further submitted that whether Afenyo-Markin’s so-called EOCO Report has a negative or positive bearing on the case pending before the Cape Coast High Court 2, with regard to the reinstatement application of Avoke and Others, is a matter for the Court to decide. A responsible citizen would wait for a court ruling rather than subject these issues to media discussions!
Afenyo-Markin should bow his confused head in shame for organizing a group of hooligans who invaded UEW on Tuesday 23rd July, 2019, in crazy hopes of reinstating staff who had been dismissed by a legally constituted Governing Council of UEW. It is weird that even after this failed coup, Afenyo-Markin has the audacity to demand compensation for these dismissed staff! Compensation on what legal basis?
Afenyo-Markin is welcome to continue visiting fetish shrines with his newfound lovers, thus the dismissed staff of UEW in the hope of having them reinstated by force. I pity this baby with sharp teeth. Afenyo-Markin is urged to continue planning more senseless attacks on UEW; for, they will continue to fail.
Afenyo-Markin is further welcome to continue advocating for staff who bloated or aided in bloating medical claims of GHC67 to GHC3,960. Afenyo-Markin should continue defending so-called union leaders who stole over GHC34,000 from the Federation of Universities Senior Staff Association of Ghana (FUSSAG) and are currently paying back in installments at UEW! It is not surprising that Afenyo-Markin is attracted to such characters at UEW, for birds of identical plumage, congregate under the same proximity!
My ancestors will not forgive me if I fail to add that, even an unborn baby knows that just by filing a case in Court, does NOT in anyway amount to a ruling. Therefore, for Prof. Avoke to allow himself to be deceived by the ‘Chief Deceiver’ (Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin), to invade UEW with thugs, just after filing an application at the Winneba High Court seeking certain reliefs, notable among them, the reinstatement of Prof. Avoke and some other dismissed officers of UEW, made Prof. Avoke to appear as an object of ridicule in the eyes of a section of the discerning Ghanaian public.
Afenyo-Markin has two options opened to him to end this exposé of his outright criminal pursuits and questionable law knowledge: First is to stay off UEW completely; and second is to sue me and successfully secure an injunction against me from further unearthing his ‘open hidden’ overtures.
Anything less than this, like attempting to entrap me with ladies, some of them, my students, and use evidence of that entrapment as blackmail against me, or attempting to buy off some journalists who publish my write-ups, or donating spiritually poisoned live birds to me, only emboldens me to lay bare, more of Afenyo-Markin’s skeletons that he childishly believe are stashed away from the eyes and ears of the whole world!
Afenyo-Markin’s palpable lie to some youth in Winneba on Sunday 18th August, 2019, that he is penciled to be appointed a deputy Minister of Defense by President Nana Akufo-Addo in an upcoming reshuffle, and that he Afenyo-Markin will get me to retract and apologize to him unconditionally in respect of all my publications about him, only exist in the figment of Afenyo-Markin’s imaginations! Only a Court order, and NOT evidence of an entrapment, can secure Afenyo-Markin this highly unlikely outcome! For by Allah’s grace, the plan hatched to use ladies, including some of my students to lure me into bed, and obtain explicit video recordings and nude pictures to blackmail me, is dead and buried on arrival!
Classic Paradox Part VI will make a stop over at COCOBOD, to expose Afenyo-Markin’s criminal campaign at that enviable state entity before returning to ‘base’, thus Ghana Water Co. Ltd. Since the Board Chairman of COCOBOD, the Hon. Hackman Owusu-Agyemang, appears to be innocent of Afenyo-Markin’s criminal enterprise there, the stop over would be brief, to enable the Board Chairman put his house in order as quickly as possible. Failure to do this, would compel the son of the upright peasant farmer to expose all the rot engineered by Afenyo-Markin under the ‘innocent’ or ‘culpable’ nose of Hon. Hackman Owusu-Agyemang.
Let me reiterate that it is a sheer waste of time and resources on the part of those miserable and pathetic individuals, who are trying and attempting to use voodoo or commission ineffective, useless and failed shrines to attack me to continue on that path. Insha Allah, such disgusting and stinking to high heaven filth, CANNOT in anyway, head in my direction!
Alhassan Salifu Bawah
(son of an upright peasant farmer)
By Dominic Akuffo