
Sempe Akwashongtse Send An Open Letter To Akufo Addo Over Police Brutalities

The Sempe Muslim Akwashongtse and Sarkin Talba of Greater Accra Hausa Chief, Nii Adottey Odaawulu I, has demanded that President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo hold police officers involved in the brutality and shooting of live bullets at Students of Islamic Senior High School protesters accountable.

Nii Adottey Odaawulu I, also asked the government to compensate the injured Students and allow an independent investigation into the matter.

According to him, an independent investigation will result in a fair and transparent report that will be accepted by the Muslim communities and Ghanaians at large.

He added that allowing the police to investigate itself will result in mistrust which will eventually end the matter prematurely and soon repeat itself.

Nii Adottey Odaawulu I, expressed displeasure about the unprofessional antics of the police officers deployed to Bantama to control the demonstrators.

According to him, when ever there are issues that affect Muslims, authorities tend to be silent and this behavior he added was unacceptable.

He commended the Inspector General of Police George Akuffo Dampare for the swift response and interdiction of Senior Officers under whose supervision and watch such abominable acts were perpetrated on unarmed students.

He however called on him to up his game and fish out all unprofessional police officers in the Service.

Students of Islamic Senior High School on Monday morning blocked the main road in front of the school to draw the attention of authorities to the need for road markings and speed rumps to reduce the rate at which speeding vehicles knock down students and staff of the school daily.

The demonstration was sparked by an accident last Friday in which one of the teachers of the school was knocked down by a speeding vehicle.

Source: Muhammed Faisal Mustapha

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