Local News

The Afenyo-Markin; The Walking Illegality At It Again!

Displaying his typical traits of crooked lies and corruption of the highest order, the outgoing Member of Parliament (MP) for Effutu, and failed Board Chairman of the Ghana Water Co. Ltd. (GWCL), Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin, in a disastrous public relations gimmick on Winneba based Radio Peace on Sunday 29th December, 2019, questioned why some contractors in the Effutu  Constituency are not being awarded contracts at the University of Education, Winneba (UEW).

At UEW, all contracts are awarded in accordance with the provisions of the Public Procurement Act, 2003 (Act 663) as amended, and NOTHING else!
Since Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni, assumed the mantle of leadership of UEW as Vice-Chancellor (VC), not a single contract has been awarded in contravention of Act 663, as used to happen severally under the Avoke-Ackorlie administration.

Let me reiterate that, the clandestine investigations, being undertaken by the Economic and Organized Crime Office (EOCO) into the award of some contracts at UEW, at the instance of a certain corrupt MP, is an open secret. EOCO is looking for the footprints of a snake on a rock, with regards to the misapplication of public funds, in this particular investigation.

Even though sole sourcing is permissible under some exceptional circumstances under Act 663, not a single contract has been sole sourced under Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni’s administration.

Per the provisions of Act 663, some contracts within a prescribed threshold, are awarded through Price Quotation, while some other contracts are advertised in the National Dailies, for contractors all over Ghana, to compete fairly.
What stops local contractors in Effutu from competing in these National Competitive Tendering processes at UEW?

Let it be publicly announced that, in spite of Afenyo-Markin’s numerous evil attacks on UEW, over 70% of suppliers still remain local WINNEBA contractors.
What Afenyo-Markin no longer control, is the illegal practice of summoning certain UEW officers to his house at night to instruct them on which renovation or supply contracts should be awarded to which local contractors!

Therefore, for the corrupt Afenyo-Markin to shamefully state that, Effutu based contractors are not being awarded contracts at UEW, is pure mischief!

Let Afenyo-Markin get it into his empty head that, UEW, under Rev. Fr. Prof. Afful-Broni, will NEVER circumvent Act 663 in the award of contracts, as is the norm at Ghana Water Co. Ltd. where the miserable Afenyo-Markin is Board Chair!

I challenge Afenyo-Markin to substantiate the claim he made in the above disastrous radio programme that, he attended the University of Cape Coast (UCC), by publishing his offer of admission letter, and index number.
I the unfazed son of the upright peasant farmer, do hereby put it to Afenyo-Markin that, you were NEVER a student at UCC!!
From the records available, Afenyo-Markin was a bonafide student at the then Cape Coast Polytechnic, but ‘perching’ at UCC, during the period in question!

Let me remind Afenyo-Markin that, I Alhassan Salifu Bawah, the son of the upright peasant farmer, is still a lecturer at the University of Education, Winneba, in-spite of Afenyo-Markin’s clandestine and evil attempts, to oust me. What has become of the petition submitted by Eric Dawda (a poodle of Afenyo-Markin), to the National Accreditation Board (NAB)?
I urge Afenyo-Markin to petition Allah, since the NAB route has fallen flat.

Alhassan Salifu Bawah
(son of an upright peasant farmer)

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