The Awaken Producer McLord ICE To Shoot Another Movie ‘APRIL FOOL’ In Cape Coast

A Ghanaian Film Director and Producer, McLord ICE is shooting a feature movie, APRIL FOOL, produced by Haruna Siedu Zoree.
The film which would be shot on September 25, 2020 at Cape Coast is to give the opportunity to upcoming film crew and actors to be part of the team.
McLord ICE who is directing this movie also played major roles in directing other movies like the Box, the Awaken and many international films.
McLord ICE and Haruna Siedu Zoree were part like Black Beach, Joseph, BORGA and many other movies as well.

The Film is centered on a spectacular event when the lead character’s girlfriend died on his bed at the boy’s dormitory at college.
He and his three loyal friends buried her on a slab behind the boy’s dormitory.
Many years after school Kiki believed karma is dealing with him since he suggested they burry the girlfriend of Osei.
In order to correct the past Kiki decided to report the incident to the police which the three other friends disagree.
The battle of loyalty and friendship against karma the four loyal friends seek to find the real truth of their calamities.”
The Film has Ransford Asare, the Manager of connect 97.1 fm as the Lead Male Character, Alidu Munira as Female Supporting Character and Sarah Annabel who Casted as Female Lead Character.